well sorry for sednig a long post but i want to mention more reasons and beefits of drinking more wateer to convince as much people i can ... here is my post i ddin't customize it took long time to wrote this post .....

i dont mean that drink water to prevent dehyderation .. when i was writing that post i had two many reasons of said to drink water as much as you can .... writen below :
1) for Iron :
it is related to the ferriprox :
ferriprox last till 8 hours in body so if you drunk more water during the lasting time of ferriprox it will make easy to chelate iron and prevent damaginng organs ... many times iafter taking ferriprox i drunk less water and then i went o washroom that made a burning sensation and a very darkk urine colour... so if you drink more water during desferal therapy or after taking ferriprox it will release iron time to time and will not make any burning sensation.. for example ....
if 3 tablet of ferriprox chelate 1500mg iron in several times going to washroom, it is better than the chelate 1500mg iron in one time ( in this case urine will too dark in colour)........
soo first one option is right ...
( i think . its only my point of view )
2) for diabetes :
drinking water as much you can is also help in diabetes .. bcoze it help's to release sugar through urine ..( i think all of you know it well ) .. i think no need to add more words ..
as you know about the symptoms of diabets mouth dryness is one of the big symptom .. i mentioned this bcoze i want to say that .. when BSL reachs the high level our body system dry's our mouth that mean's we have to take water again.. and.. again.. and.. again.. so sugar level come down .... so this medicine settled by the nature ... ( i experienced that drinking more water help's to decrease BSL ) .......
Tip ::
some people found it difficult how to drink 12 glass of water a day .... here is the tip for that ..try to drink a glass of water every hour in this way u can take at least 14 glass of water ....
M i right or wrong ??..
have your say andy that means alot for me .........