Hi Ayesha,
i am fine and hope tat you'll be also fine and enjyoing your life at its fullest , .. i also have Hep-C & B , ay doc done a treatment of Hep-B on me Sep-20-08 to Jan-23-09, By The Grace of Almighty ALLAH, i got benefit to that treatment, as my SGPT, ALT, Direct and indrect bilirubin decreased to normal after that, for a few months ..
bfore stating that treatment my .. one thing you can see that i mentioned another fact that is S.FE , iron overleoad is also a role playring thing in liver's problemes , you can see in this thread that decrease in S.Fe made my LFTs nearly normal , that means less iron in your liver may help prevent the complications .. please read this thread carefuly tto know that iron is main prob of not only the liver but all other organs , but especialy for liver .... please try to controle your S.FE , that is another key role player factor in interferon treatment .. when i was severely iron over loaded my SGPT was 640 i have mentioned this fact in my this thread, then when my iron level came down it come's back near normal ranges ...
now she want me to start interferon ( i call that injection inter-fir'oun [Pharoh]

, bcoze i red alot of that injection's side-effects ) , but she have another and better option for me that is Peg-interferon (Pegylated-interferon) , Peg-interferon is known as latest version of intereferon with less side-effects.... I hope , i answered all the question, but i m not sure ,
so dont hesitate to ask wat-ever your questions are about , i will try my best to get and then send you the answers of your concerns.....
bfore starting chelation S.fe was above 9500 : and 22cm liver
after getting S.fe 3560 : 18cm
Best Regards
Take Care
Nice Friend