Overnight trip to Emergency

  • 2 Replies
Overnight trip to Emergency
« on: May 03, 2006, 03:46:19 PM »
Hello all

My daughter had a transfusion on May 1;

May 2 around 5:00 pm she had a fever and was very uncomfortable/sleepy/not eating well/watery eyes. Fever went up from 38.1 to 38.8 in two hours. We got scared and called the hospital for advice, we were told to go emergency room as it may be a reaction to blood. Our quest begins 10:00pm in emergency till 5:30am. Evidently doctors didn't find anything and released her.

My question is did we over react, is fever a normal thing after 24 hours if no other sysmptoms like shiver/cold/itching/hives are present. Should we wait next time a little bit more and try to control the fever from Tylenol. I read reactions during transfusions but after 24 hours I didn't know (actually logged on to our website around 12:00am last night from hospital to see if some info is there).

Thanks for your help and lets discuss more.....


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Re: Overnight trip to Emergency
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2006, 04:23:34 PM »
You did the right thing as parents.

Never assume or wait if your anxious about anything that concerns the people you love, especially little people that are unable to say what is wrong with them. 

I got the same reaction when I was young and mine also happen the next day after the transfusion.  They changed my blood to washed & filtered since then I haven't had a reaction.

Re: Overnight trip to Emergency
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2006, 12:39:52 PM »
Thanks for your reply, We figured that my daugther had a hemoglobin level of 161 after transfusion which to me is quite high. Does a high level of hemoglobin put overload on the system and cause fever.



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