Thanks Sajid for the explaination.
I don't have that setup on my bebo page.
I prefer to keep my page private where only family and friends can see what I have been up to.
That must be what bebo is if you allow public access.
Orkut sounds like that medical forum I was telling you about where they post discussions and topics relating to medical.
Dont't forget guys I could do with some input on what to post for Thalassaemia.
I copy what Andy posts in regards to new information relating to Thal
But I'm stuck on what else to post to inform others.
My nurses are encouraging me to post about my experiences but I don't want it to be about me and I feel that my life isn't exciting enough which isn't what my specialist and nurses agree to believe.
I'll be grateful for any ideas.
I have only 2 Thal minors that have joined and I have informed them to come here.
But it's for the other people that I want to educate.
The site is