Pregnant with Thal Minor

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Pregnant with Thal Minor
« on: July 26, 2008, 03:56:03 PM »
Starting to wonder if my past two miscarriages were because of thal minor.  The first one was chromosomal, and the second unknown.  Now I am pregnant again, but this time I started all the prenatal vitamins and Iron before conceiving so that it would be better.  Doc just called and told me I was anemic (she didn't see that I had thal minor), and wants me to take more folic acid to absorb the iron I've been taking.

Taking with my sister about this, she had similar problems, where they kept uping her dose of iron, and my grandma miscarried once and had a blood transfusion with one of her pregnancies, and my aunt was bed-ridden for most of her pregnancies.  So I'm wondering if thal minor played a major role for them too.  When I was diagnosed with this the doc never said anything about pregnancy and possible problems.  I wish they had.  Maybe I wouldn't have lost my last pregnancy.

What do you think?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2008, 07:51:39 PM »
Iron should be taken only when iron studies have been run to confirm iron deficiency in thalassemia minor. Many thal minor women do need iron during pregnancy but it does need to be confirmed. A minimum dose of 1 mg folic acid daily should be taken all through the pregnancy. Vitamin E can help keep the blood a bit thinner which can help avoid clotting issues, which are one of the primary causes of miscarriage in thal minor pregnancies. Sometimes an aspirin a day is recommended for this same effect.

If you do a search for thalassemia minor pregnancy on our site, you will find many threads about this topic and also learn about the dangers. Please be aware that within this group, we are far more aware about the problem of miscarriage in minor pregnancies, than the medical establishment recognizes. I have talked to dozens of thal minor women who have had multiple miscarriages in pregnancy and it is no coincidence. Besides the clotting issue which should be watched for and the doctors should be made aware of, it is often necessary for minors to take one or two transfusions during the pregnancy to keep their hemoglobin level high enough for a successful outcome.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Cath_07

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Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2008, 11:16:32 AM »
Hi Jess,

Nice to see you at this site.  I too am a BTM and am 13 weeks into my first pregnancy.
Wishing you all the best in your pregnancy.
"Laughter is the best medicine"

Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2008, 08:25:56 PM »
Hi ,

I have beta Thal minor.  I always want to have a family.  I saw infertility specialist after 8 years of marriage.  I was not successful getting pregnant.  Then, I gave up and took a vacation and I got pregnant.  I had a miscarriage and after 8 months, I was pregnant with twin.  I was very happy but the pregnancy turned out to be failed again.  I was very depressed. 

Now after 4 years, I would like to try again.  I'm glad to find out that there's a reason for the miscarriage and there's a hope too.   I finally have a chance to see a hemotologist in the mid November.  I hope that they can give me tips or order blood test for any vitamin deficiencies.  I saw a hemotologist 10 years ago.  I told him that I was a BTM, he told me that nothing to be concerned.  I hope this one is more educated.  Pray for me.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2008, 09:19:12 PM »
Hi Teresa,

Talk to your doctor about the hypercoagulable state that can happen even in thal minor pregnancies. It can be watched for and it can be treated. Basically what happens is that clotting can become an issue between the placenta and the uterus causing a reduction in blood flow and eventually miscarriage. This is common among thal minor women but most doctors are not aware of this. We have had many minor women come to our group with the same reports so we do know that many thal minors do have miscarriages. The other thing to watch is hematocrit or hemoglobin level. Occasionally thal minors experience a sudden drop in Hb during pregnancy and a blood transfusion can be necessary.  If doctors know what to look for it can give you a much better chance of having a successful pregnancy.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2008, 10:06:19 PM »
Hi Andy,

My HGB is 11.4 and my HCT is 35.2.  Not that many doctors in San Diego concern these data.  When I told them that I have beta thalassemia minor, they will automatically omit 'beta thalassemia' and pay attention only at 'anemia'.  When they check my iron level is normal, they told me it's alright.  Just like telling me that my feelings are just imaginery.  Even I told them my hGB and other blood test are below normal, they still insist I'm normal.

Hopefully, I can look for a doctor who is a good listener instead of taking personal in a denial mood.



Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2008, 11:57:09 PM »
Hi Teresa.
The problem with some of us we give the doctor all the power over our body>we dont stop to think how we can help ourself>
let say,  if the doctor didn't have his book he would not be the wiser>
ok you know, you have thal minor< do some research> take the vitamin you need to restore your vitallity>when your body is ready, then get pregnant and while you are pregnant continue to take all the precautions you need to ensure a safe and prosperous outcome> which is a healthy baby. >having done all you possible can then you need to trust that a power greater than you will take care of the rest>
doctors do not kinow everything They try to be god but they are not.
Have faith in you, and get strong within,and Good luck , it is possible  I know, I've got four sons with twins  I'm a thal intermedia sufferes
Take care


Offline Manal

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Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2008, 12:25:36 AM »
Good luck Teresa, please keep us updated :goodluck


Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2008, 07:39:11 AM »
Hi Kathy,

I think you overreacted.  I know doctors are not perfect.  But a lot of doctors don't know much and at the same time deny on ordering blood test for you or deny on referred you to see a specialist.   Some don't even know what test to take In US, I have a HMO healthcare plan.  I can only have blood test done or getting specialist's advise upon the approval of primary care physician.  I take vitamins but I'm afraid of overdose.  As I read from the website, I need to check if I have the deficiency first before I can take extra vitamins.  Anyway, I have tried to do a lot of things on my side.  I don't need people to tell me that I have done enough or not.  But if professional cannot offer me a hand.  I cannot do anything.   



Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2008, 08:33:24 AM »
Hi Teresa.

You are right.What do  I know, after all I'm an idiot. I should know better.

I wish you all the luck ,I won't say another word, Please, excuse me for speaking my mind.


Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2008, 07:09:31 PM »
Hi Kathy,

I felt like being attacked and felt like an idiot after reading what you said last night.  Now, you said you're an idiot too.  I think we're all too depressed because of the chronic disease.  Anyway, l hope that you're not judgemental too soon.




Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2008, 08:56:16 PM »


The word   Forum  Meaning "meetingor medium for open discussion or debate"
  L eave me Alone ,  find another person for you to abuse.I made a mistake  to think that this was a forum where adult can interact appropriately with adult,

My depression has nothing to do with my commonsense.
People can no longer use the word depression for Bad manners.
I would suggest you don't bother me anymore because I dont want to post to you anymore.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2008, 09:39:27 PM »
 :stop  :referee  :stopmad

Everybody please chill. This is a simple misunderstanding and no one said anything that should upset anyone else.

One thing we all need to remember is that we come from many different countries and speak many languages and even those with English as their native language may not speak exactly the same English as someone else. Heck, in the US, I don't even understand everything people from different regions say. So, please remember always, don't jump to conclusions when you think you read something that upsets you. In most cases, it's not what the other person meant.

We're all here for a common cause so please leave the fighting to the politicians.  :thankyou

All we are saying is give thals a chance.



Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2008, 10:44:50 PM »
Hi Andy

The positive that arises from me being controversial is that I know I'm still Kicking and fighting :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl  and I'm please because it suggest to me  that  I'm alive :yahoo :cheer :cheer :cheer

Sorry friends  I cant help my self. :huh :huh :huh

In the future I will behave. :wub :wub :wub :wub :wub

I hope everyone have another good laugh on my behalf :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl.

What can I say I'm a problem  child,still loved by god in everyway

With love from Kathy.

Re: Pregnant with Thal Minor
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2008, 10:53:58 PM »
Thanks Andy!  I agree with you.  I also invite Kathy to go to the discussion forum if there's any miscommunication.  I am not perfect but I try not to jump into conclusion and criticize other.   I know I'm depressed.  I don't like to deny it.  I have a common cold again after the monthly cycle.  And as usual, it takes forever to recover.  I don't expect others to be that personal.   :wah


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