Wow, Sajid, I'm sorry to hear about your nosebleeds.

Just so you know, the medical term for nosebleeds is
I used to get many nosebleeds when I was a kid, and never knew why, but I always chalked it up to allergies. I never had a problem with my platelets, since they are usually above the normal value, which is pretty common in Thalassemia. Your nosebleeds can be due to a few different things, so I suggest going to the doctor. Instead of being forced to stay indoors, you may just need an allergy medication like Zyrtec or Allegra. Allergies can cause dryness, which is one of the major causes of nosebleeds.
Also, if I may suggest something to you, the next time you get a nosebleed, try not to tilt your head
back. That will only cause the blood to drain down your throat. If it happens again, take a seat somewhere, and tilt your head slightly forward. Pinch the soft part of your nose together with your fingers for a good 5 minutes straight, and see if the bleeding stops. You can also put an ice pack or cold compress on the bridge of your nose to help the process. If it's still bleeding after that, hold your nose again in the same position for 10 more minutes. That should take care of it, but if the bleeding does not stop within 15-20 minutes, then you need to seek medical attention.