Thalassemia Centres for adults in Portsmouth, UK

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Thalassemia Centres for adults in Portsmouth, UK
« on: September 01, 2008, 06:08:44 PM »
Hi again :)
I am studying at International University of Portsmouth(which is something like a filal situated  in Bulgaria); Recently I have thought about moving in the university which is in England, Portsmouth . The problem is that I am not informed about the thalassemia centres that are there, I do not know if there are any actually. If someone has any information how is the treartment for thalassemics going on In Portsmouth , please share it with me.  Some other patients told me that in England things are quite well , but they don't know how it is in Portsmouth Anythiung that is linked to thalassemia and the treatment there will be of great help to me. Thanks a lot  :wink


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