Yep Sajid,
It is most definitely the high levels of ferritin, which darkens and shows up in the skin colouring.
I was born a very fair child.

Sorry abt that.... I do like to think I am a fair
As a child, I was born rather fair-skinned, is what I meant. :noangel
Anyway, I was unable to take chelation till a later age....chelation was unknown and unavailable in India at that time. So, I grew darker over time. Growing up, I had to face hurtful comments from relatives about why I had grown so dark, since they had seen me very fair as a child. Some did not even bother to hide their shocked expressions....and it has been a sore point with me when I was younger.
Depending upon original skin colour...darker the skin : higher the level of iron. ( unless U have gotten tanned on a beach) :winky
Certain darker patches do also show, where iron collects, like at the joints... and they may take longer to lighten up.
On the brighter side, proper chelation with desferal or whatever else....will help you to regain original skin tone, as I know from my personal experience.
So keep chelating, ok champ.
