umar he was my my first ever thal pal....
umar who tries to to encourage me to use pump for chelation therapy ...
for this purpose he several time show's me how pump make chelation easy.. and ho easy is taking chelation with pump
infront of me... whenever i ask to umar that is this not feel painfull ..
he always answered me that " its hard and dificult but it is complusory for
us otherwise ...." iron will create complictaion in our case " ...
he was an icon of moral ... as he understood too early in their life that
chelation is our compulsion..... wnd we have to live with it ....
he was younger than me as he was 16 year old n i 21 ...he his younger thal bro (saad)
and me (umair) and started his journay of toward heavens yesterday in morning
( 11 am 4th of august ) .... he was younger than me but he joined their papa
on shop couple of months ago with their younger thal brother saad ...
nobody tell me about his death ... last night i call his younger bro to
to say saad to join me tommorow at transfusion center ...
he told me that umar passes .ahhhhh.... it is a realy sad news for me ..
after that i came to know that my papa and bros attended their last prayer..
i dont know wat to do ...i dont know y they didn't tell me ....
his words are runing in my mind " y we r fighting yaar if we all have
to sink then y trying to swim ...." i dont know how i will face his bro tommorow..
since he diagnosed diabetes n got in comma i was telling continously to
their family that take himm to DR.joveria but they was looking to see him walking
and then they wanted to take him to dr.joveria....
i cant forget him //... n i have no more able to type ..
bcoze i m sad and demorilized ..dont want to fight any more.. my inspiration has died..
heart is crying and can i fight more with a broken heart
