Andy: thanks alot for the advice/suggestion, am really concerned, but I really didn't get what is milk thistle

I know but onion seed Ambareen and others have mentioned... but milk thistle? kindly tell me more about it.
Zaini: No, from 2005 we are getting transfusion in Aga Khan, before that we were in Fatimid, but how can anyone say or tell from where he/she got Hep C

I can't say too... and how i got to know, well I met Dr. Usman (Hematologist) few days ago, there he asked me to get the test done...
He has written two more test for me, one Hep C PCR (its an expensive test and it tells how much of virus you have, sumthing like that yea) and second SGPT
I will be getting these test done soon, then am told to meet the concerned doctor, there he will tell me what wud be the next step by checking my reports
hoping for best, and waiting to check what this time Allah has got for me in HIS goody bag.
need prayers