I am not so new here, but I've been on vacation for the longest time.
A few years ago a doctor once told me that I may never reach the age of 30. But these pictures will prove that I will pass that age.
I hope my and my son's photos after a year will give everyone in this site a new light and a new hope. May my little miracle and the new life he shared with me serve an inspirition to all that God is always with all of us.
My little angel the day he was born.

The first week of my little gift:

At two months:

At six months:

At nine months:

Me and my lovable bundle after a year:

You can never fathom the power of God and the assurance of hope. Let us all have the strength facing the challenge of living with Thal. As a teacher, I would always impart these lessons that are not written in any texbooks and articles.
Love and Prayers Always,
Lei and Baby Nathan