Hi Everyone!
I'm 25 and a student so please excuse my ignorance. Somtime around Sept, I've developed odd chest pains at the center of my chest. It started with a sudden sharp pain that got me concerned. Other symtpoms include labored breathing and coughing; the coughing is infrequent but irritating and usually a result of exertion. I went to the clinic twice. The first time, it was a week after it started and the doctor told me it was probably an inflammation as result of a virus and should go away in about two weeks. It didn't. The second time i went to the clinic again was about 3 weeks ago because it didnt go away. She perscribed me an inhaler, albuterol, suggested that it was probably something related to asthma and to use it 30 min before exercise. Another symptom I never mentioned to her, is that I feel self aware of my heartbeat; I figured it was probably just in my head. When the the nurse took my pulse, she asked if I had caffeine, I said no, she said it was probably nothing. I'm also more tired than usual.
I didnt say anything about being a Thalassemia minor because I honestly thought it was unrelated but I started wondering, about a week ago, if there is a correlation?
Background: About four years ago, I found out I was a Thalassemic minor. I was always anemic but always diagnosed as iron deficient and perscribed iron pills. My father is a carrier and so is my maternal grandmother. My mom was never tested but she exhibits no anemia or symptoms. One day, I was talking to my dad about being anemic and he explained that I was probably a carrier. Apparently, it's not something Chinese families talk about and that is why they never told me??! My father exhibits symptoms such as anemia, fainting, headaches, etc. I never had anything more than being mildly anemic. I decided to talk to my family doctor in Chinatown about it. He told me that Thalassemia minors are often mistaken as iron deficiency and its very common among SE Asians and that I don't need to worry about it and that I could stop taking my iron pills. And thus, I didnt. That was four years ago and the last time I've seen a doctor or was tested for anything before this incident.
Currently, the chest pains have not been extreme but also has not been going away... I have trouble breathing normally whether I exert myself or not. Is there a possible correlation to my current problems and being a Thalassemia minor? Should I get tested?