hello everyone..
i have a wierd question as usual..
is it possible, or has anyone ever thought of this..
that the person who is donating the blood, could have an effect on you..
for instance..
lets say the donor is high in stress or has anxiety, or lets say they are super hiper..or an alcoholic (unnoticed)..
could those things effect YOU?
would you end up being stressed out of nowhere, or have random bursts of anxiety, or act hiper one moment, but than drink yourself into an oblivion out of nowhere???
because, sometimes i feel that random acts come to me..
and i dont even know why i'm doing it!
and NOT to blame the donor or anything like that..
but i feel sometimes that its not all me..
that maybe these CONSTANT different donors are having an effect on my personality..
like i've probabaly taken over 1,000 different people's blood,
so could i ever take on thier traits?
i think of that sometimes
what do you guys think of this.