Re: cookies

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Re: cookies
« on: August 28, 2008, 11:42:46 AM »
Sajid , she was near 14.5 years old when  she passed away to us ...
you can see the thread insection " In The Memory of "
post subject is  " My Elder Sister "

Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
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Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: cookies
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 12:02:43 PM »
How could I've forget about that post!?!? I had replied to it!!

It appears I'm loosing my mind these days. I guess it's those cookies that I ate yesterday (Umair knows what I'm talking about :wink )
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Re: cookies
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 12:12:45 PM »
I guess it's those cookies that I ate yesterday (Umair knows what I'm talking about
yeah . i know about those cookiies sajid ....
hey.. hey... i forgot to say , dont blame the cookies and ur mind buddy , it was my mistake ....  :biggrin
those cookies are sugar free but wheat sugar is somewhere involve in it to take BSL high ..
but it was completely my mistake ... and it is nothing related to BSL or anything else ..
It appears I'm loosing my mind these days
i dont agree buddy. bcoze i checked that post and found that i had never discussed about when she passsed away to us .and how old she was when she passe's away. its my fault to telling you abt that post  when that was not meeting to ur questions ... sorry buddy have a strong mind and memory .. i wish you to stay with strong health, mind, and physicaly :thumbsup ..

Best Regards
Take Care
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 12:43:00 PM by nice friend »
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: cookies
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 01:01:29 PM »
Relax buddy,

I was just fooling around about those cookies. Actually my BSL stayed fine. It was just the quantity of the little wager. I had never ate so much thick cookies at once. It just filled me up so much that my eyes started to water and I couldn't think straight for the rest of the day.

For the rest of the gang; here's what happened:
I gave my cell subscription to my doc who hadn't transferred it in her name for many months. I told her to go with me to the service center to do it now or return it to me. Like always she promised to get it done as soon as possible but I didn't buy it. Eventually she agreed if I ate a whole pack of the thick, fibrous sugar free cookies; she'll go with me. So I won the challenge

I jokingly said to my doctor that the cookies are coming out in my tears and she actually started to examine my eyes (don't read the rest of the para if you get gross quick) then I said that the maid had left and if I puked she would have to clean up the mess. :crackup
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Re: cookies
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 01:36:25 PM »
ii think you was a little bit worried about the wrong callls , as the sim waas issued on ur name  and she wasn't looking interested to transfer the sim on her name.... u was too much worried about something and wanteed to desprately to see the sim trnsfered on her name ... thats why u ate that much biscuits in one time ,, buddy u know you, ate a whole packet of biscuits .. :whew :naughty :waiting :yum :yum :think ...... ahum ahum next time dont forget to call me  ... i m a big super eater of those cookies  :wink :wink :wink and dont forget to call for tea those biscuits taste's  superb with tea hummmmm ...... :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

I gave my cell subscription to my doc who hadn't transferred it in her name for many months

if u dont mind and feel happy then plz sen here a full story  answering to these question .. i  think you don't want to tell complete story ... but it is on demand yaar (buddy) ..
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: cookies
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 01:50:50 PM »
No, it's nothing like that.

Actually I don't like that service provider and she liked the number very much and wanted to change her existing number of the same network. Her number was too hard and mine was a double digit repeating number which is easier to remember.
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Re: cookies
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 08:00:23 PM »
oh i see ! Sajid ...
well...  dont worry .. its my mistake.. i taught something else :wink :wink.. but its ok .. dont worry  :wink

if you dont like something, then dont mind buddy , i was justing joking ... please dont mind okiey
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 08:11:20 PM by nice friend »
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline nice friend

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Re: cookies
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2008, 06:59:16 AM »
Sajid ,
i have one more  question to ask .. may i ask ...???
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: cookies
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2008, 07:16:40 AM »
Gosh, Umair,

How can I decide the nature of the question before you've asked.

If you feel it's worth moderating then you can PM me.
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