I guess it's those cookies that I ate yesterday (Umair knows what I'm talking about
yeah . i know about those cookiies sajid ....
hey.. hey... i forgot to say , dont blame the cookies and ur mind buddy , it was my mistake ....

those cookies are sugar free but wheat sugar is somewhere involve in it to take BSL high ..
but it was completely my mistake ... and it is nothing related to BSL or anything else ..
It appears I'm loosing my mind these days
i dont agree buddy. bcoze i checked that post and found that i had never discussed about when she passsed away to us .and how old she was when she passe's away. its my fault to telling you abt that post when that was not meeting to ur questions ... sorry buddy .....you have a strong mind and memory .. i wish you to stay with strong health, mind, and physicaly

Best Regards
Take Care