Worrying ESR in blood test

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Offline ak82

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Worrying ESR in blood test
« on: August 21, 2008, 08:36:56 PM »
Hi there,

I month ago a had a blood test done.  I have very small blood cells, but i actually have a relatively high ESR.  It is 7 mm/hr and worries me, as ive heard people with thal trait should have lower ESR.  I was wondering if anyone else here has had a higher ESR?

My blood results are as follows:

ESR --------------------  7 mm/hr              2 - 12
Haemoglobin--------  12.9 g/dl              12.5 - 17.5
Haemotocrit --------  0.39 l/l                 0.40 -0.52
RBC -------------------  6.87                    4.5 - 6.5
MCV ------------------  57.4 fl                  77 - 96
MCH ------------------ 18.8 pg                27 - 32
MCHC-----------------  32.7 g/dl              31 - 35
Platelets -------------- 345                     150 - 400
White Blood Cells--- 5.8   10^3/ul        4.0 - 11.0
Neutrophils----------- 2.59  10^3/ul       2.0 - 7.50
Lymphocytes ------- 2.38   10^3/ul       1.50 - 4.00
Monocytes ---------  0.72   10^3/ul       0.00 - 0.8
Eosinophils----------- 0.05   10^3/ul       0.00 - 0.45
Basophils-------------- 0.04   10^3/ul      0.00 - 0.2

I am so worried and cant gwt this off my mind. :(  I have been unable to find anyone elses ESR results here.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


Offline ak82

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Re: Worrying ESR in blood test
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 09:15:17 PM »
It must also be stated that for the past year and a half, i have had a perianal abscess.  It fluctuates in size, and i think that at the time of the blood test was actually empty.  I dont know if this could have any affect on this.  I also have general joints pains, but that is all i can think of that would possibly affect this.


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