I have just been reviewing some of you information. I see that Aysam is positive for anti ttg antibody, you have also mentioned bleeding from his rectum. Is there any history of celiac disease in the family? (Please be calm, I don't wish to introduce something more to worry about) - understanding all of these things will help us get a better picture of the results overall.
Is Asyam's glucose the result of a fasting glucose test? A random glucose test can vary. Is the level 5.1mmol/l ?
Our doctor has told us that it is common to see some elevation of bilirubin for most thal patients (even transfused patients). Mariam can you tell me the frequency and volume of your son's transfusions? Bilirubin can also result from hemolysis. Also, there obvious iron overload in the liver, and the liver is the first place where iron will build up. The liver function tests do show that the liver is currently stressed (from my understanding of the tests) - but with proper chelation this
CAN BE REVERSED. In order to do this Mariam, Aysam needs you to be strong and coherent. You need to relax and take care of yourself if you are going to help your child - he needs you!
Remember that the levels indicated on his results are normal for non thal people - there is a different normal for thals. Also, you need to pay attention to how far off of the normal scale results actually are - I am trying to review your tests and attempting to interpret them as well as I can. You mention that the TSH is off - how are the T4 and T3 values?
Very obviously better chelation will help with this problem. Aysam needs to be on 30mg/kg of his body weight of exjade - (does that work out to be 400mg for him?) Also, he should be on a minimum of 5 days a week of desferal 12 hours a day. If you can place the pump in a back pack or a fanny pack it will allow him to play while he is wearing it.
In the meantime I am working on reviewing your results, if you can answer my questions it will help me out. Certainly, a qualified thalassemia doctor or clinic needs to review and relay these results to you.
A liver biopsy is a test to relay liver iron concentration, possible scarring and damage in the liver. Certainly I would opt for one in your situation, but I would only do it in a proper clinic. My son had a routine liver biopsy for scanning purposes twice - one at 18months and once at 2 1/2 years. Although we have great health care here, we travelled 5 hours to a major thalassemia clinic to have his biopsy done - simply because they are more experienced there with the procedure on young children and with testing of the tissue in terms of what is acceptable for a thal patient. Do you have ferriscan or T2* available there?
With proper chelation everything will improve. Along with seeing your hematologist, because of the iron overload I strongly recommend that your son be seen by an endocrinologist and a cardiologist to watch him until his iron levels are under control. You may want for him to have 24 hour IV desferal a few times a week during the next month. I know that your doctor is an obstacle for this - but that is how your case would be handled here.
Smurfette is also located in Sydney, Australia - and she has done amazingly well with her thalassemia and chelation - she has the lowest ferritin out of thal that I know - perhaps you can PM her for more information in your area. Maybe she has a contact for you.
I will get back to you again very soon, I am still working and researching your son's case - please feel free to contact me at anytime.
BTW your son is absolutely adorable! hugs and kisses to him from me

He looks good
