Hey ! Girls and Umair & Narendra
A big Hi !
Sorry, could not post yesterday - was dead tired after the long day. However, you will be happy to hear that the conference is going great. 2 days are over, and guess what! yesterday we attended all the scientific sessions and in the afternoon Derrik informed me that Parents and Patients have been offically allowed to enter. WE just have to fill an extra form like an undertaking that we are going to attend those programs. The reason the restriction was imposed on the first place was, as medical faculty had some very descriptive presentations and pictures which someitmes they are not comfortable to share infront of parents and patients, given the contents. Neverthless that problem has been overcome, now we are free to attend all scientifc programs and you know what - some of the stuff is a real eye opener. All the top Doctors of Haemteology are here and we can ask as many questions and clear our doubts. In case you guys want to ask something specific, please send me quickly so that I can ask for you.
Sorry I forgot Kymn (Eponine)was damn write about the whole conference. Her efforts and hardwork show. It is commendable what she has pulled off. Way to go Kymn!. Also Kymn before i forget please post your scuba dive pictures for the all the thalpals to see.
Overall we are having a ball. We had a party on 7th night, at my place, which was graced by the presence of all the thal pals. Manal, Mariamm(Aysam) with her daughter, Maako(Imaan) and her friends , Andy, Shilpa, Simran, me - poogill(Puja), Dr Rk Marwaha. It was really nice to meet everyone IN PERSON, though for the first day I was getting confused with their thal pal name and their real nameS. Dr Marwaha was very very impressed with our knowledge and dedication about thalassemia us and was surprised that we have never met each other before. It was not feeling at all that we met for the first time, it was like we just started our conversation from where we left off. Mike missed it and some of the other thal pals like ronlald, as I was not aware they are coming.
Now the conference -we had some good topics like oxidative stress. Please Please everyone of you should start immediately taking vitamin E. Dont miss it, it is very important to take a lot of antioxidants.
Another good product was discussed was Fermented Papaya, they say it is a very good antioxidant. It is suppose to show good results in clearing the body of free radicals. Only thing is it is not a cheap product, and we are discussing with them about the pricing. Andy wil be talking more about it as a product.
Also a totally new antioxidant which I found out is turmeric(cucurmin), i think I have spelt wrongly. I know it as a product as it is used a lot in Indian cooking on a daily basis but i dint know it was an antioxidant.
I will get into the individual subjects later I guess, cos too much of information on this and I will need a lot of help on this from our other thal pals.
One more important thing, which was covered by Sir Dr Weatherhall is that Thalassemia is not even in the GBD2005. For people like me who dont know wht GBD is, it is Global Burden of Diseases 2005. Thalassemia has to be get into GBD then only we will have the funding from NGO's and people like Bill Gates and OPrah can actually help the research for thal. Funding is the actual stumbling block as of now for research. Once we are in GBD atleast people will look at thalassemia as a serious thing and progress on research will be faster.
Having said that awareness is slowly coming. Patients from developing nations Pakistan, Nepal, India and other developing countries have come to see what is happening in this area.
I spoke to a Dr from Greece and he told me that in Greece people cannot get married unless they get tested and have proof that both of them are not the carriers. This is such a good rule, actually if we can get this implemented for other nations it will be so much better. Easier said than done though. For countries as big as India I am not even sure how we can implement this. I am told however, that in West Bengal (a state in India) it is being implemented.
Lastly the chelation therapy combining desferal and L1 is the best combination. it is giving best results. Chelation Chelation Chelation - please dont miss it.
Will keep posting.
It has been exactly 6 years to the day when I found out tht Prat had thal. I was heartbroken then but not anymore. I pray today that we wil be celbrating a cure very soon.
Thank you to all the lovely thal pals, for being there for me.