Hi Guys
Here i am again, but in a rush, as people are going back home and i am in a process of dropping them to the airport. Manal left last night. Andy is at the airport. I am not going to write a long post, cos rushed for time. Maako is leaving today and Mariam wil be flying tonight.
Yes Zaini - It is Haldi(tumuric). Lets discuss all antioxidants one by one. I ll make a seperate post once we are all back on line. Cos there is so much information but I need all the inouts from everone cos I wud surely miss out on the importnat stuff.
I met a few people from Pakistan, however this person impressed me the most, he is a gentleman from Hamza foundation Peshawar, who is taking care of 450 children totally on his own hospital expense, blood desferal, food, stay and everything. He is not a Doctor but has founded this hospital and is pulling it off on pvt funding. Way to go. i hope and pray we have more of these good samaritans. Will post his address and other details later.
I want to talk about a lot of stuff like hydrooxyurea, Recormon etc. Please keep asking questions. Cos there was so much of information bombardment, we might miss out stuff.
Zaini I want to talk to you about PGD.
Has anyone seen Harminder - Priya from mexico lately?

Will speak to oyu guys later.
Cu soon.