Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule

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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #60 on: October 09, 2008, 07:39:01 PM »
hey ,
i m realy wondered that my Doctor is still here in Pakistan , not went to attend conference  :dunno
i dont know why  :dunno but usuly she attend's every conference National or international .....
but this time she isn't attending ....
Same question to you Puja ...
Hey Puja, did you meet some one from Pakistan? any doctor? any patient?

Take Care
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Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
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Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #61 on: October 11, 2008, 11:52:03 PM »
Wishing all of our friends a safe journey home  :hugfriend


Offline poo gill

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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #62 on: October 12, 2008, 02:20:00 AM »
Hi Guys

Here i am again, but in a rush, as people are going back home and i am in a process of  dropping them to the airport. Manal left last night. Andy is at  the airport.  I am not going to write a long post, cos rushed for time. Maako is leaving today and Mariam wil be flying tonight.

Yes Zaini - It is Haldi(tumuric). Lets discuss all antioxidants one by one. I ll make a seperate post once we are all back on line. Cos there is so much information but I need all the inouts from everone cos I wud surely miss out on the importnat stuff.

I met a few people from Pakistan, however this person impressed me the most, he   is a gentleman from Hamza foundation Peshawar, who is taking care of 450 children totally on his own hospital expense, blood desferal, food, stay and everything. He is not a Doctor but has founded this hospital and is pulling it off on pvt funding.  Way to go. i hope and pray we have more of these good samaritans. Will post his address and other details later.

I want to talk about a lot of stuff like hydrooxyurea, Recormon etc. Please keep asking questions. Cos there was so much of information bombardment, we might miss out stuff.

Zaini I want to talk to you about PGD.
Has anyone seen Harminder - Priya from mexico lately?????????

Will speak to oyu guys later.

Cu soon.


"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #63 on: October 12, 2008, 06:14:36 AM »

Thank you so much for providing all of us with this valuable information and updates on the conference :)

Wishing you and your family all the best !




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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #64 on: October 12, 2008, 05:29:53 PM »
Sure Puja,

I am here to talk :) Harminder is on my msn list,but unfortunately i don't much log on to messenger due to lack of time,once i saw her online,but didn't have time to log on,i'll email her first thing  tomorrow.



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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #65 on: October 13, 2008, 01:01:45 PM »
Zaini and Umair, i did meet some very nice parents and thals from Pakistan. Some of them i had talked for sometime was Amjad, 27 year old thal major from karachi and his wife, Hira... They were married just abt four days before the conference, and they looked very cute together. I also met a Mr. Chela from K.K. commodities in Karachi, and also his very nice family. His son, Jatindar said he will be checking out this site again..(he was a member before and apparently there was some problem with his login)

Which reminds me, i was telling them about you guys, Umair and Zaini, and they dint seem to know you... I asked them about sajid too...I know Pakistan is a huge place... and like they said, maybe u guys werent from the same place..:) Which part of Pakistan are u guys from?


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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #66 on: October 13, 2008, 04:01:39 PM »

Thank you guys for all of the amazing information that you are bringing back for us! 

Did anyone meet any Canadians there? 

 :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend

We missed you guys!




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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #67 on: October 13, 2008, 04:40:54 PM »
Hi Imaan,

I am from Karachi and Umair is from Faisalabad,i'd love to meet Amjad from Karachi,i don't know if he goes to the same hospital where my daughter goes,i'll ask her doctor if there is any patient name Amjad there.

It's great to see that Pakistani thals are finding partners and getting married,which means that at least a little awareness is taking place in people's mind.



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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #68 on: October 13, 2008, 11:39:09 PM »
Hi Maako ,
Zaini is right , i m from Faisalabad  , and about the Pakiistan yeah it's a little bit huge country , you may gues to hear that Karakaram series of the mountians and the World's Second Highest mountain is also a resident of Pakisan hahahaha.... i m a new member soo i dont think that everyone know me ... but its strange if they are the old members of the site and dont know about Sajid ....  :-\  ... How was your journey and wat you learned in the conference please share that all i m eagerly waiting for all wat that happen in S'Pore ...

Best Regards
Take Care
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #69 on: October 14, 2008, 12:38:19 AM »
Sharmin, i did meet a canadian... her name is Helen, i do have her email address if you are interested.. she was over 30s, married and had a child too (if i remember correctly.. so many people to remember).. hehehe

Umair, the guy i talked about said he became a member and he dint log in much coz he had some problems with his user name...i dont think he knew anyone... coz after his first few tries he gave up.. i asked him to join us again...


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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #70 on: October 14, 2008, 12:44:30 AM »

Thank you so much.  I am glad that us Canadians were represented there:)  I am also happy to hear that Helen is doing well and that she has a family.  You can PM me with her email, and I can give you mine to pass on to her as well. 

I'm so glad that you had a good trip!  I so wish I had a chance to meet you too:) 



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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #71 on: October 14, 2008, 01:22:44 AM »
Hello everyone

Finally i am back home and finally i can be online. I missed you all soooooo much. I didn't hve my laptop with me so couldn't log. Being one week away was so hard for me, this site is an addiction and i will never be that away all this long time . I really love you all so much

Nothing can express how happy i was seeing my friends for the first time. Deep inside me i was so much worried and didn't know how will i talk or what to say but it went so smoothly and we were just continuing our talks that were started online.

As i said i am back yesterday at 6 pm and i slept from 8pm till today 8 pm  so i selpt the whole past 24 hours as i was terribly exhausted and i am severly suffering from swollen legs from long stay in flights. I will need some time to start posting my notes as i need to put things in order to summarise points. The bad thing that they did not release the lectures on CD as it helped us remember and summarize points but i just took notes of important things.

So until i report lots of hugs and kisses to each one of you. One last thing to tell you is that it was a pleasure and one of the most wonderful things meeting Andy, this person is sooo good to be true, he is doing a lot of hard work for us you can not  imagine how sincere he is. At many lectures i wanted to tell doctors, come on we know this .. Andy had told us. We are in good hands, trust me.  Also i would like to thank Puja for her warm hospitality she did a lot to us and she and her husband were there for us all the time. I got to know Shilpa for the first time and she is very informative making an excellent observation and was a pleasure to know her with her warm character ( by the way you should watch her talks with Andy, there talks are always funny) . Simran and Makko (Iman), it was a pleasure knowing and meeting you, thal didnot prevent you from reaching your goals. Simran wish you a great achievemnt in your MBA and Makko wish you the best in your finals. Mariam too i was glad that i got to know her and i am sure that after the conference she will be abel to mange aysam in the perfect way cause now she knows everything. Nur too is so cute and i was really happy to see her and get to know her and see how cute her daughter is from her picture. Also Roldhan from Philipness, he was with his group and was a pleasure seeing him. Aston Dialo, though i haven't got enough time talking with him but i was happing seeing him with his cheerful smile. Finally i got to see Miaki and exchange some talk with her, how sweet she was with her lively character that makes one feel that he knows her long ago she is soooo friendly but unfortunatly i couldn't see her on the last day. I would like too to thank Dr, Marwaha he is really a very helpful doctors and he was answering all of our questions with lot of patience and full information. Hope i didn't forgetto mention anyone. But i was honoured to meet them all

So again i really missed you all and until my next post lot of hugs and kisses to all of you.


« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 01:40:40 AM by Manal »


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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #72 on: October 14, 2008, 01:53:26 AM »

It is sooo good to have you back!  I look forward to reading your posts about what you have learned. 

Sharmin  :hugfriend


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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #73 on: October 14, 2008, 10:38:27 AM »
Welcome back Manal  :hugfriend

We missed you too,waiting for your informative posts.



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Re: Singapore Scientific Programme Schedule
« Reply #74 on: October 14, 2008, 11:34:18 AM »
wow that conference sounds awesome.  I can see that u enjoyed it.  Welcome back.


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