i told dr today in reagrds to many things like whaet grass wich i stared aysam on osata and cuncom and fish oil
they went mad at me they said no no no u cannout just give him hearbal stuff i am now so confussed plz somene help me
why they said this they said he has thal majour u just dont give him herbal stuff and he is on exjade
pls somene i need to know am i doing the wrong thing i am now so worried am i killing him myslef thsi si how they made me feel
plz tell me

what is it for why we use it how much and how to give him ?

what is it for why we use it how much and how to give him ?

fish oil
what is it for why we use it how much and how to give him ?
wheat grass
what is for why we use it how much and how to give him?
also vitamine c d and b i ask for a script becuse i heard at the confrnce it will help they yelled at me why ?
i dont knwo they wont allow me to get it
i cant understand why they are doing this to me i am takeing aysam to lebaonon in feb 09 until now plz tell me what am i doing wrong what should i be doing plz so when the dr ask me why i am giveing him all this i have a reply to there answer into why and hwo much and what it dose side affects and everything you know what i meen ? plz anyone