hi all,
I came across this article and would like to share,
There are two reasons for Disease
(or lack of health):
Ignorance Doesn't’t Change the Facts
Dr. Joel R Robbins, M.D.
One way to tell the ignorant from the stupid: (although often you can’t tell either of them much)
The ignorant don’t know.
The stupid don’t know and don’t care.
One who knows more and more about less and less until he knows almost everything about nothing.
One who knows less and less about more and more until he knows almost nothing about everything.
I suggest the above two definitions have a lot to say to most people, health professionals especially. If you know a doctor personally, you know he works long hours and struggles to keep up with his own specialty. If he is honest I believe that he would agree that even if he did only research, it would be impossible to stay abreast of the rapidly expanding information just in his own field. What about all the other areas we seem to expect doctors to be expert in like nutrition, mental health, exercise, finance, politics, etc.
Only 1/3 of the medical schools in the US have any courses in nutrition yet we often blindly accept our doctors advice as to our diets. In these pages I suggest that you take personal responsibility for your health and regard your doctor’s advice on nutrition as you would that of a non professional friend. Thank him for it, and then check it out. You have the time the interest and the resources to produce a healthy body. Do it!
Did you know that only about half of all the prescriptions written by doctors are actually filled?
Does it surprise you that only about half of all the prescriptions filled are actually taken until gone?
Does it surprise you that this really bugs your doctor?
Doesn’t it seem logical that when somebody prescribes a DRUG for you to put in your body that you know what it is and what the side effects are?
There is a book , I call it "the Poison Book" ; otherwise known as the PDR "Physicians Desk Reference". I have that book on CD ROM, and can discover the "known" side effects and interactions between most common medications. This is NOT secret information. I suggest that it is YOUR responsibility to discover this information and decide whether you should be taking what ever it is you are taking. (Just as an example see what you didn't know about ASPIRIN.) Discuss your findings with your doctor and you will get an education.
Dr. Joel Robbins states that about 5,000,000 people each year are so seriously poisoned by their physicians as to be hospitalized. Ralph Nader says 300,000 of those are KILLED..(his words) by those drugs/doctors. In 1991 a team of Harvard researchers published a landmark study in the New England Journal of Medicine. They discovered that an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 Americans die annually from hospital mistakes. The Institute of Medicine says it's only 98,000 killed. According to U.S. News and World Report, 400 people die every single day from the side effects of drugs. Whatever the real numbers are, those people all had faith in their doctors. Do you have similar faith in your doctor? Do you just accept whatever your medical professional says?
Again: Be an informed consumer. The time is past when doctors made house calls and knew you as a friend. More and more, medicine is becoming a mass produced service, with less and less personal attention spent on each patient. Your medical professionals do the best they can with what they are given, but over their heads more and more is some faceless bureaucratic entity telling them how many patients they must see each day, and what tests and services they can and can’t provide. You can assist them in their efforts by taking responsibility to know as much as you can about your problem.
Do your utmost to STAY OUT OF HOSPITALS!
This will require work on your part. .are you worth it?
For a start, check out: "The 7 Deadly SINS."
I hope the above clarify some of our thinking about medical helpers (LOL)
"who needs eneny when we have friends like them LOL
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