Thalassemia Symposium III at delhi held on 31staug 2008 on Desiorex/ Ansura

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Hey everyone ,
             Nice to be again on site. i just had been to Delhi to attend symposium on Exjade. It was quite a experience to attend the symposium . Information given on Exjade was quite informatic and atleast giving us little hope that we the parents of our cutiepie atleast would be having iron chelation bit less painfull experience and more compliance of dose would lead to better and normal life for our children . Secnd news is that always ask the prescription for three months since you get one bottle free with every three purchasse.
 Second topic of discusion was on BMT and  wether can stemcell replace the bonemarrow. Answer was no . first prefference is for all. bonemarrow if that is not available than only explore the stem cell avenue. they were not in favor of storing stem cells for self . thirdly AIIMS is starting the asiatic bonemarrow registry for transplant which is reg with internatinal registry with data base of 1.25 crore people . reg. is free only thing is you have to commt yourself for bone marrow donation as and when your bonemarrow matches with some one . I do recommend all the interested parents to opt for this god send option. Pl contact Dr mehra inAIIMS at new delhi.
                                   guilty father of my cutiepie.     


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