hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG

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hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:04:41 PM »
Hello everyone
      I’m Thalassemia major patient from Taiwan. My name is SAM HUANG. HUANG is my family name in Chinese and Sam is my English name. I was diagnosed when I was one year old. Now I’m goes to hospital to blood transfusion per every two weeks and use Desferal fourth times every week. But I think the Thalassemia can’t limit my life and my dream.

I found this site from msn spaces and I amazing that there are so many people in there talk about the Thalassemia or share some experiences. I’m not outgoing person in fact I'm little shy. But now I am tried to make friends with Thalassemia major patient in Taiwan and I also very want to make friends with Thalassemia patients in other country.  :hug

Oh! By the way I’m really 20 years old although I look like very……’’small’’. When I walking with my classmates other people always think I’m my friend’s younger brother……ha!  :dunno

p.s. I know my English is no good but I try to use my poor vocabularies to express what I think. If I use wrong word or make other mistake in using English please forgive me. :-\


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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2006, 03:24:37 PM »
hello Huang,

Nice to meet you too... :smile2

I am a 31 years old Beta Thal Major from Malaysia..Although I seldom post in here but i usually stop by and read all the posts. Some o them are really just funny esp when Andy get bashed up by the other!

see you around!  :blowkiss



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2006, 08:37:01 PM »
HI Sam,

Welcome to our family. Your English is fine...everyone worries about that but I feel ashamed that English is my ONLY language. You guys all do so well knowing 2 or more tongues. I hope no one ever hesistates to post because they don't speak English well. If you are not sure how to say something, message me and I will help you post. I am here for everyone to help in whatever they need. So, everyone....post, post, post.  :biggrin

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2006, 05:45:35 AM »
Hello Huang,

You have come to the right place to make friends with people from all around the world.

I know how you feel about looking younger than your age. I am almost 25 and still look like a kid. Just look on the bright side! Scientists and cosmetic experts are spending billions to make people look young, while we don't have to do a thing! :five :rotfl

Just be positive (B+) and don't worry about anything, even I make mistakes while typing English. Everyone here is so friendly and helpful.
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Offline Danielle

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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2006, 11:47:09 AM »
Hi Sam!  Welcome to our lovely group!  Nice to have you posting with us!   :biggrin

Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2006, 03:05:52 PM »
Hi Sam

Welcome. This is a great site and Andy is right, your English is great. Love, compassion, friendship have no barriers.



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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2006, 02:02:02 PM »

I know how you feel about looking younger than your age. I am almost 25 and still look like a kid. Just look on the bright side! Scientists and cosmetic experts are spending billions to make people look young, while we don't have to do a thing! :five :rotfl

Ha! You’re right I don’t need to do that I will always look younger than I am. :grin That’s a good thing right? Um……but if I have choices I prefer being look like a mature person. :now


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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2006, 02:57:27 PM »
Hey Sam

Welcome to your new extended family. We hope you enjoy it here and make heaps of friends.

A question to all since we are on the subject of "Looking young" why is it that thal majors look young?

Whatever it is lets bottle it and keep it our secret one day they might make the "Da Vinci Code on looking younger". :rolleyes



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2006, 03:06:36 PM »
Being a bit older than most in this group, I am sometimes a little amused at people worrying about looking young. There is a whole world out there wishing they had your problem. Thank God for small favors.  :wink

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2006, 05:30:21 AM »
 :rotfl Dear Andy!

Looking a way lot younger has more worst effect than looking older than your real age.

The first thing you have to face is the questionable look and attitude of everyone in high school. Everyone including most teachers are thinking and asking "Hey kid!, shouldn't you be in your own grade rather than roaming around this section?"

The second thing is that all the girls say "He's a cute little kid!" instead of "He's a cool or handsome guy!"

After college you can't drive a car without the cops telling you to "pull over" at each square and again the long session of convincing them that you are not a minor etc. You don't know the attitude of the police of Pakistan; they have an expert method (with a good beating session) of convincing an elephant that he is a deer! Unless you are wearing a racing helmet while driving a car!  :rotfl

Furthermore when you walk in for an interview for a job; the whole office bursts into laughter after seeing that you are holding a degree or two and think that this is some kind of a joke!

But! the most important thing is that you won't find a suitable match to marry. All the girls of the same age look a lot older than us and they reject us by saying "You look like my little bratty brother!"  :rotfl

Jokes apart, you can cope with all this, but it really is annoying to be a lot younger than your age!
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Offline Poirot

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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2006, 08:23:31 AM »
But! the most important thing is that you won't find a suitable match to marry. All the girls of the same age look a lot older than us and they reject us by saying "You look like my little bratty brother!"  :rotfl

You know what is the solution to that? Go for girls who are 10 years younger ..... yummmm. Ok, ok, no brickbats please, just kidding .... :biggrin


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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2006, 09:53:52 AM »
Jokes apart, you can cope with all this, but it really is annoying to be a lot younger than your age!

Jokes apart, Sajid, you are right .... looking younger than you are can be quite a pain when you are in your 20's. However, when you hit the 30's, that's when it is payback time .... forget about when you get to be 40. The number of my friends who gnash their teeth and curse me now because I look much younger is really funny .... so don't worry, you will get your payback!!!

But, here are some tips that helped me when I was your age or younger .... develop a skill that your friends do not have - that gets you respect and suddenly the fact that you look younger does not matter as much. For me, it was speaking .... I could out-debate my friends, my teachers, my family .... even today, I can debate pretty much anything under the sun!!! Although, that gets me dirty looks many a times!!! The other thing I learned to do well was to play table tennis. Other tricks ..... train your voice, so that you have a deep voice and not a squeaky one (there are courses for this, and public speaking) ..... go to a gym - it will increase your confidence and make you more healthy, to boot .... even walking 2-3 kms regularly can help. Want to go out with the girls? One trick - have a ready store of funny stories!!! Girls seem to like funny boys ......

Fire back with questions, and I will answer as best as I can .... :thumbsup



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Re: hello! everyone my name is SAM HUANG
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2006, 06:42:28 AM »
I never really had problems making friends; only the students of other classes in the corridors and lobbies bugged me every now and then.

Although I have a quiet and serene style, but somehow my entire class in the college days became my friend just because once they got to know me they found out that I really had a pleasent and friendly personality and we always had a good time!

I was even in a group of the "smart guys" and we were the favourites of the teachers and the whole class. The students came up to us for help on their studies.  Infact in one semester there was the only girl in the class who only hanged out with us. We were all very good friends.
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