yes, I have Thal m and suffer from a lot of joint pain. I'm only 30

My lower back has degenerative disk disease and my knucles hurt alot. I'm constantly cracking them back into place. My back goes out very often.
Exercise helps maintain a higher threshold for pain. I was also told I might have Ehlers-Danlon because my joints are loose and pop out doing the most mundane brushing teeth. I was told at 14 I needed surgery to shorten my left shoulder's tendons so it would pop out. I told the doc I'd wait until the day it didn't pop back far so good.
My lowerback tho, if I don't exercise it kills me and my knees soon follow. My neck is always hurting.
I think there is more to this iron deposition thing and I think we minors may have quite a bit of iron deposits on the joints...but I'm speculating. I'm new to Thal reserach.