Please excuse me if I sound completely out of my mind, but I haven't been well at all since I got the text message from Andy about Sajid. I've been walking around like a zombie, crying my eyes out. I cannot express the pain that I have in my heart. I adored Sajid. He was such a wonderful person and brought so much love and spirit to this group. I'm going to miss him so much. :'(
I know I've been absent from the group a lot, and I realized part of the reason when I found out about Sajid. I've lost so many friends with this God-forsaken disease, and a part of me dies each time I lose someone. I love you guys with all my heart, and to be honest with you, I'm scared of how many more people I'm going to lose. Maybe subconsciously I was pulling away from the group, and I feel horrible about it. I've been dealing with a lot in my life and haven't been well, mentally and emotionally, and I think that maybe I was scared to be involved as much as I was for this reason. Now I am kicking myself, because not only did we lose a great person, but I lost precious moments with him that I'll never get back. I hate myself right now, especially for not being here as much for all of you, and I'm so sorry. I just cannot take losing friends anymore. It's killing me. I just cannot believe that Sajid isn't with us anymore. He was always here ... greeting people, and making birthday threads, giving helpful advice. He didn't have a selfish bone in his body, and I feel really ashamed that I let him and all of you down. I'm so sorry and I hope you can all forgive me for that. I love you guys. :'(
Sajid, I'm going to miss you terribly, buddy. I'm so sorry that I didn't get to talk to you much before you passed. I'm going to regret that forever. My sincere condolences go out to his family and friends, and I pray that this horrific pain will ease in time for everyone.
This makes me so angry, and I agree with Red. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE! This is supposed to be a manageable disease! Why aren't these scientists coming out with other things? Why are they wasting their time on petty BUNK when we have beautiful people dying from Cooley's Anemia and other horrible diseases? Do they seriously want us to believe that they aren't capable of doing it?

! It's BULLS**T! They've been mapping out the human genome and testing these stem cells forever. I still think these drug companies are paying people off, but that's my opinion and I don't think anyone can make me think otherwise. UGH! I cannot tell you the pain and anger I feel. Too many wonderful people are dead and dying with a disease that SOMEONE OUT THERE HAS THE CURE FOR!!!! Ok, I need to stop. I've been going from crying to a raging lunatic within minutes the past couple of days, and I don't know what to do with myself. I haven't even been able to keep my mind on my studies, and I have so much homework to do, but at this point, I don't even give a crap about the homework. I just want Sajid back, and Lisa back, and all my other friends that have passed, I want them all back, dammit!

I'm so sorry, you guys. I gotta go. I love you all.