My friend,please don't be sorry,you never let us down,not anyone,You had your difficult times and sometimes i really wondered that you must be a very brave person that you never whine like we all do,on the forum.
Sajid was no doubt an angerl,you regret not passing much time with him,and we are not getting over the fact that we are never going to see him online again,we were so used to of his presence here,every thread posted hi always replied.
We definitely miss him,and we'll be happy to see you arund more,but please don't beat yourself.
Thank you, Zaini. I just feel so bad, and I really feel that by being absent I have let you guys down. I'm so glad that you all have each other here to be there for one another, and I have checked in to see if you guys were ok, but I should've done more and I will try to from now on.

Danielle, you took the words right out of my mouth... exactly what i have been feeling the last few days...
most of you like kathy, zaini, umair, sharmin, red and (anyone else whose name is not mentioned here, but very active on this site), may not be familiar with me, but i used to be active in the grp too before. im more of an observer now, i guess like Danielle said im pulling myself away from the grp, which now i hate myself for doing it and missing time gettin to know u wonderful people...
abt a week before sajid passed away, i was talking to him on msn, and he was askin me why im not posting anymore, i dint have an answer then... and he asked me to post more often...
im going to honor his wish from me, Insha Allah, and try to be more frequent here...
im very sorry... lotsa love always... missing sajid and all my bestfriends whom i have lost to this Cry
As much as I'm hurt about it, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who felt this way. I guess it makes me realize in a way that we all need to take a break from this illness once in a while, even though we really never get a break from it. It's hard at times to comprehend that we will always be grieving the loss of one of our friends to this illness, and maybe somewhere in our minds we think that if we don't "see it" that it doesn't exist. Unfortunately, that isn't the case, and the only thing that we are doing is wasting precious moments of time with the people we care about. Life can be really cruel, and I hate the fact that no matter what we do to try and live our lives without always thinking about Thalassemia, it always has a way of reminding us that it's there.

Hi Danielle.
I so glad to read from you, I have been wondering how you're doing.I hope your health is holding up.
At times, in life there are things, that happened and it cannot be justified, still we are suppose or need to find a way to accept and move on, that is for our own well-being.
If anything Positive that has happened with his death, he seems to me that he has unite our group and make it stronger.I have been amazed, how many of our group members posted in the last few days , how wonderful
Keep it up guys.
Thank you, Kathy. My health is holding up, thank God. I have my good and bad days like anyone else, but I am still fighting. This illness isn't going to take me without a good fight, I can promise that. You are right, if anything positive had to come of this, maybe it's to keep us all closer together. I wish Sajid was still with us, though. I'm going to miss him being around here.

Dear Danielle,
Please don't feel bad - we are happy as long as you are healthy:) From time to time people need to take a break from everything, especially this disease. We love you - we have seen you suffer and know how you of all people need to take a breather. We enjoy your emoticons everyday - Sajid especially loved using them.
Thank you, Sharmin. I agree that we all need to take a break from this disease sometimes. I love you guys, too, and that's why I feel so badly about not being here for all of you. I'm glad that you guys enjoy the emoticons. I know that it's difficult to convey emotion on a message board, so I wanted to make sure that you guys had a variety. I will be uploading more of them soon.

I've missed you all, and even though I've been so inundated with life and school, I will do whatever I can to be more productive on the site with you wonderful people. God bless you all, and I pray that each and everyone one of you and your families are doing well and continue to be well. I love you all, and thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it.

Sajid, my friend, may you rest in peace and make the heavens laugh the way you have made us all. I know that your beautiful spirit will be surrounding us, for now you are one of our guardian angels along with our other dear friends who have passed. Until we meet again, buddy.