Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All

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Offline Zaini

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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2008, 02:34:55 PM »
Danielle  :hugfriend

My friend,please don't be sorry,you never let us down,not anyone,You had your difficult times and sometimes i really wondered that you must be a very brave person that you never whine like we all do,on the forum.

Sajid was no doubt an angerl,you regret not passing much time with him,and we are not getting over the fact that we are never going to see him online again,we were so used to of his presence here,every thread posted hi always replied.

We definitely miss him,and we'll be happy to see you arund more,but please don't beat yourself. :hugfriend



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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2008, 02:44:50 PM »
The moment I saw this news, am blank, I can't even concentrate on anything, am thinking so much, and so negative too about Thalassemia and many other things... I won't mention them because negative things are not meant to be told or discussed, one should always be positive no matter what happens

Every single soul has to go back to GOD one day, it was Sajid's turn, It hurts when you hear something like a companion of your condition left you, but Sajid and every other Thal who have gone from this World, has given us lessons, memories, experiences, love, care and what not?

I remember when my elder brother (Nauman) died in this disease at the age of 17, it wasn't easy to move on when you lose a brother/sister in the same disease, you literally think that some day or just after few days we also will die, nothing wrong in it, this is what we all have to go through....

Just few days ago when we got the news that Ayesha Jamil left this world too, Sajid thought Andy is talking about me, he apologized on MSN, and I can't believe that just in few days we saw the news about Sajid, I prayed alot that this news must not be truth, but who knows what GOD has thought for HIS people, and am sure Sajid must be enjoying the luxuries and rest of HEAVEN, Ameen!

So, you, me and everyone has to move on with Sajid and other Thal friends memories, lessons, and every single thing they shared with us...

Thalassemics were already in my prayers, but now I pray specially for Sajid....!

May you get the bestest and highest place in Heaven Sajid, Ameen!!!!!!!

Take cares, Allah Hafiz


Offline Maako

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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2008, 04:06:57 PM »

I know I've been absent from the group a lot, and I realized part of the reason when I found out about Sajid.  I've lost so many friends with this God-forsaken disease, and a part of me dies each time I lose someone.  I love you guys with all my heart, and to be honest with you, I'm scared of how many more people I'm going to lose.  Maybe subconsciously I was pulling away from the group, and I feel horrible about it. 

Now I am kicking myself, because not only did we lose a great person, but I lost precious moments with him that I'll never get back.  I hate myself right now, especially for not being here as much for all of you, and I'm so sorry.  I just cannot take losing friends anymore.  It's killing me.  I just cannot believe that Sajid isn't with us anymore.  He was always here ... greeting people, and making birthday threads, giving helpful advice.  He didn't have a selfish bone in his body, and I feel really ashamed that I let him and all of you down.  I'm so sorry and I hope you can all forgive me for that.  I love you guys.   :'(

Sajid, I'm going to miss you terribly, buddy.  I'm so sorry that I didn't get to talk to you much before you passed.  I'm going to regret that forever.  My sincere condolences go out to his family and friends, and I pray that this horrific pain will ease in time for everyone.

Danielle, you took the words right out of my mouth... exactly what i have been feeling the last few days...

most of you like kathy, zaini, umair, sharmin, red and (anyone else whose name is not mentioned here, but very active on this site), may not be familiar with me, but i used to be active in the grp too before. im more of an observer now, i guess like Danielle said im pulling myself away from the grp, which now i hate myself for doing it and missing time gettin to know u wonderful people...

abt a week before sajid passed away, i was talking to him on msn, and he was askin me why im not posting anymore, i dint have an answer then... and he asked me to post more often...

im going to honor his wish from me, Insha Allah, and try to be more frequent here...

im very sorry... lotsa love always... missing sajid and all my bestfriends whom i have lost to this  :'( :sorrow :sorrow :sorrow



Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2008, 10:08:16 PM »
Hi Danielle. :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend

I so glad to read from you, I have been wondering how you're doing.I hope your health is holding up.
At times, in life there are things, that happened and  it cannot be justified, still we are suppose or need to find a way to accept and move on, that is for our own well-being.

If anything Positive that has happened with his death, he seems to me that he has unite our group and make it stronger.I have been amazed, how many of our group members posted in the last few days ,  how wonderful
Keep it up guys.




Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2008, 10:41:48 PM »
Hi Maako,
It nice to read from you and I do remember you too.
Its never too late and its good to know that this door is always open and the friends are always  welcoming.

thats how it is ,family always gather  together when it is needed for moral support and strength.the more we are the stroner we becomes.

This forum serves a good purpose and we must never underestimate its' can't be measured by the naked eyes, but it can be measured by each beat of our heart.we all have the same goal.
 To find a cure for thal and a better life for all



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #35 on: September 24, 2008, 11:29:46 PM »

Your wisdom has been greatly appreciated this week. I am really happy you are here for everyone.  :thumbsup

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2008, 12:10:16 AM »
Dear Danielle,

Please don't feel bad - we are happy as long as you are healthy:)  From time to time people need to take a break from everything, especially this disease.  We love you - we have seen you suffer and know how you of all people need to take a breather.  We enjoy your emoticons everyday - Sajid especially loved using them.

Maako, I have seen some of your posts before - I am so happy to have you back and very pleased to be your friend:)

I am so sorry that we have this awful news for you upon your return.  We are having a hard time feeling complete without Sajid, but we are trying to draw strength from each other and his memories to keep moving forward.  We have so much to do and so many people to inform.

Welcome back!

Sharmin  :hugfriend :hugfriend


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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2008, 12:14:37 AM »

I second what Andy has said - you have been such a rock for us during these past few days.  I have drawn so much from your strength.  Thank you  :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend



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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2008, 02:19:16 AM »
nobuddy at my home know about sajid's death ... bcoze i won't tell , bcoze my father is a heart patient and these kind of news disturb him as well , bcoze he has also a thal child in front of his eyes ... thats why i wont to tell anyone ... nobuddy still know , why my door were locked when often he they came to visit my room .. i answered,  everytime its locked by chance or by mistake.. nobuddy know , why my eyes were swollen , as i told it could becoze of stomach disturbance ( stomach pain that i had on the same time ) .... nobuddy know , why i didn't sleep in those days .. i want to share it , but i m afraid ... i m scared bcoze , i had motivated thals at my thal center to strugle , to start chelation ,to take care of themselves and told them about sajid and sajid's chelation routine , they want to meet sajid , wat will now i say to them he has just passed away to us .... Oh God give me strenght to face them and to motivate them in absence of sajid , which is quite dificult ...

« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 04:14:12 AM by nice friend »
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.




Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2008, 07:38:29 AM »
To Andy and Sharmin.
Thank-you both, it a pleasure to be of service, I'm humble.

for better or worst, :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug



Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2008, 07:44:51 AM »
To Manal.
I know you're hurting. don't stay a way too long,  come back we miss your input.

He would have like you to fight harder,

Lots of love from Kathy


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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2008, 01:17:22 PM »
Dear Kathy, thank you so much for your kind words.. have missed you all these days... and like Andy said, i appreciate your kind words and strength in these tiring days...  :hugfriend :hugfriend

Sharmin, thank you for the warm welcome  :hugfriend however, i dont feel happy at all.. though not very close, he was a good friend and talked on msn... and though i have not been active in posting, i rarely miss postings on the site.... so i knw his contribution and how tough it is on all of us to feel complete again without him...  i feel so lost too... i open the site expecting to see his cheeful lively posts when im reminded of the harsh truth that i wont see his posts anymore..  :'( it is really heartbreaking to know i have lost yet another friend...

Umair, i can feel from your posts what a tramautic time you are going through right now... i can feel how close he was to u and u to him, maybe the bestfriend ever and as close as an own brother.. i feel so much for u and everyone else... i pray that you are given strength to overcome this tragedy time.. i knw nothing i say right now will feel u better now... but just want to let you know we are alll here for u if u need anyone to talk..  :grouphug

 :grouphug :grouphug

lots of love always, maako


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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2008, 02:29:01 PM »
Thanks Kathy,

For being there for all of us,we needed your strength.


I hope you are doing well and recovering,come online and post,sharing sorrows can lower your burden,this site feels really odd with out his comforting and wise posts,but i still can't keep myself away from it,as this was the place i met him,i met all of you.

We are here to share each other's happiness and sorrows.



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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #43 on: September 25, 2008, 02:56:11 PM »
Dear Manal,

We hope to see you here again soon.  We will be here for you when you are ready. 


still missing you, still wishing that you were with us.  still crying...


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Re: Sajid Rauf, Brother to Us All
« Reply #44 on: September 25, 2008, 03:17:58 PM »
Umair, i can feel from your posts what a tramautic time you are going through right now... i can feel how close he was to u and u to him, maybe the bestfriend ever and as close as an own brother
Makoo, he was the only person in my msn messenger list who comes online .. otherwise i have not many contacts on my msn , i have not any friends and relatives on msn .. i had left msn a few years ago . i wasn't using msn to a long time, before meeting to sajid .. bcoze i hadn't any contact who had time to use msn messenger ... when i met to sajid i installed msn and added him on my msn ...  now i m back on the position i started . .no friend to meet online, no friend i can thought the he could be online to spend some time .... thats why i m feeling alone again ... thats why i m missing him too much ..  he was the person for whom i started using internet again and now he left me alone again on spot i was before meeting him ....

Dear manal sis ,
please come back on the site and start posting here again .. it come to eating when i see the boards are not running  ... its an effort of years that , this site ihave a good reputation .. please dont let it close .. it could help many thals  .. soo please keep participating in it ... as sajid wanted and he was did a great job  to keep this site running .... 

i m requesting to all members please come back .... dont let sajid's efforts to waste  ...

best regards
take care
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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