Andy, not sure why the range in my report is so different from yours! My report states the normal range is 9.0 - 26.0, and my reading of 28.8 umol/L is beyond the normal range, hence it's marked bold. *confused* maybe the units are different...

never mind

In addition to my serum iron readings [*Serum Iron - 28.8 umol/L (normal range is 9.0 - 26.0)], there are additional readings that are grouped with the seum iron results:
Transferrin - 2.48 g/L (normal range is 1.80 - 2.70)
T.I.B.C - 55.6 umol/L (normal range is 45.0 - 70.0)
% Saturation - 45% (normal range is 13 - 51)
Ferritin - 23 ug/L (normal range is 10-120)
After thinking real hard and digging around in my house, I found another report.. taken last year with my husband, just before I got married!
My husband's readings are normal, except his cholesterol

. He took the electrophoresis test (its written on the report, and I think my 3-year old report is an electrophoresis report, since the new one does not have the additional attachment).
HB =
9.7 (this is even lower than my earlier report) (normal is 115 - 165 g/L)
RBC 4.46
0.32MCV =
72MCH = 22
MCHC = 302
15.1White blood cell count = 6.3
Neutrophils = 61% (3.8)
Lymphocytes = 31% (2.0)
Monocytes = 3% (0.2)
Eosinophils = 5% (0.3)
Platelets = 251
HbA2 = (this new report does not have the readings for HbA2, HbF and Hb H inclusion bodies).
HbF = -
Hb H inclusion Bodies = -
Serum Iron = (the new report does not have readings for this!!

Film: There is a moderate microcytic hypochromic anaemia. The red cells show moderate poikilocytosis and several target cells. The white cells and platelets appear normal. The blood film is suggestive of iron deficiency. Suggest S. Ferritin to confirm Iron deficiency and Hb analysis to exclude thalassaemia.
Total Bilirudin = 18 umol/L (normal <21)
(surprisingly, this came out under the normal range in my new report)Corrected Calcium =
2.04 mmol/L (normal is 2.10 - 2.55) (my old reading was in the normal reading)
Erythrocytes =
10 x 10
6/L (normal is <10)
I'm not sure about enlarged spleen, maybe I dont. I did take folic acid for sometime (the doctor recommended me to take it last year, after my blood test, because my husband told the doctor he's seen too much of my hair around in the house), and it didnt have any effect on me, but I'll try again, as someone posted earlier, folic acid should be religiously taken! I'll guess I'll have to get supplements for vit E.
I started researching on depression and out of the blue, I searched depression and thalassaemia, and I found this site... I happy to know I'm not alone

I dont want to feel tired and depressive most of the time! By 5 or 6 pm, I already feel tired... low battery...

I just want to be full of energy from daylight to night time!