first surgeon I saw was a old men who was very rude (I didnt even know what a port was)
second surgeon was a young lady i met the day before (she said: left side of your bod; unvisible)
at operation: no idea who did it, no idea which type
infection, all the time the hospital. big ugly scar for a baby porth

they told me it would not be able to move

Nurses and working sterile?
They don't exist
My mother is the only one who is allowed to do everything.
Untill six weeks ago
The porth wasn't working. Doc said it was dead, but there was no date yet.
Two fridays ago it was time to flush it. It works in one try

Nevertheless, I decided that I will life without one.
I can't take desferal since I am deadly allergic. 3 years back I almost died at home. I couldn't breath.
At the end i'd 5x24hours infusion with easypumps, do you know them? I love them!
Yes, the area is red often.
Port and I are a couple since 5 years, but maybe 6. It's time to ask for a divorce

My veins had peace for 5 years, so I hope they recovered a bit. I'd so much scar tissue up my hands/wrist that it wasn't possible anymore and port was better to use at home.
p.s, I always use emla!