Dear Kathy
Sorry to hear your not doing well again. I hope things do resolve but here is some info I found for you.
Anisocytosis means that the red cells are of unequal size. It is a feature of many anemias, and other blood conditions, and does not have much diagnostic value. The 'red cell distribution width' (RDW) is a quantitative measure of the degree of anisocytosis. The RDW is useful in the differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia. Most cases of iron deficiency have a raised RDW, and most cases of thalassemia trait have a normal RDW.
New red cells contain RNA, which they lose after 1-2 days in the circulation. Enumerating reticulocytes therefore gives a measure of marrow red cell production. The RNA can only be seen in a specially-stained blood film, as a 'reticulum' (hence the name). On the regular blood film, reticulocytes have a greyish tinge, which is known as '
Please click on the following site to see the explanation in regards to tear drop shaped cells mentioned your white cell count is elevated this is called leukocytosis and can result from bacterial infections, inflammation, trauma, or stress.
Also you talk about elevated liver protein and gamma gt ......I found the following site very useful in understanding what all this means and also how the liver works. please click to read the info. might be brewing some infection in your body and fingers crossed you dont need anything else execpt for Kathy time to relax and get better. We tend to burn the candle at both ends and our body just cant take the heat at times. I am one of those people.
However do keep at your doctor and if your not happy search for another. I know your probably all searched out with doctors but keep at it and ask questions, hound them. Its about you and you need answers. Please dont take the above info as professional advise, just trying to help out in understanding what it all means.
I hope it helps, let us know how you go hun.
Best wishes Miaki