I don't know what key I keep pressing that sends messages accidentally, but I seem to do it all the time. Anyway, the only way that I know hemoglobin levels is when the numbers are like 6.6, or 10.5, etc. (Can anyone convert her level - 38.9 - for me so I know what it means?)
Are any of the doctors you see blood specialists? I guess that doesn't always matter as the one I saw years ago didn't know much about Thalassemia. One doctor I was tellling my story to kept looking at his watch. I wanted to say that if he needed to go somewhere, he should just go! Another time I told a doctor I would go anywhere, teaching hospital, research hospital, specialist, ANYONE, ANYWHERE I could get some help, and he just didn't have any ideas for me. That's when I took matters into my own hands. Luckily I had insurance and some resources to go somewhere.
I wish I could be of more help to you. If I knew what your hemoglobin level is, I would know more what to say. Please keep trying, and post any information you get and also your frustrations. It helps to be able to talk to other Thals. Jean