Hi everyone,
Just found your site. Haven't had much time to read through all its content (look at my nick
), but surely will.
First thing I want to tell you: its a great site, cause the people here are great; strong and good souls. No one wrote to me yet, but I already don't feel so scared and lonely though I'm still worried till my witts ends.
So, about my family; as you may guess I've got 2 children. My daughter (currently 2 years 4 months) was diagnosed with thalassaemia beta minor almost a year ago. It was a shock for me then, as I hadn't heard much about the disorder previously. My husband was not aware of being a carrier of it, nor had anyone of his family. I came to terms with it after reading more about it (doctors haven't been of much help, I'm sory to say; well, the disorder is fairly rare in my country). Luckily Emilia doesn't have almost any of the symptomes, I learned some of you folks with "minor" do. She is what we call "pure silver", full of energy, active, always on the run (literally).
8 weeks ago I gave birth to a wonderful boy, Filip (Philippe). He is doing great, gaining weight and length even faster then average for a breast fed child. But his hemoglobine level goes down inexplicably fast. A week ago it was only 5.7 mmol, and had dropped 7% within previous 10 days. Today we have to make another blood check. If his Hb level is below 5.0 he will get blood transfusion; he is too young for any diagnostics - only that much I got from the doctor (hematologist).
I'm at lost. I'm not a carrier of thalassaemia gene... But I have another blood condition - spherocytosis, though a very mild one. Have kept my spleen in, in spite of 2 pregnancies and some serious illnesses in the childhood.
Could these things somehow strenghten each other's symptomes? How old were you (or your chilren) when diagnosed? what the symptomes were? Filip is strong and developing well. No one would say there is anything wrong with him, if they haven't looked at his blood results. The only thing he is easily brused and the bruses stay long time. But I read even some of minors have it, so...
I strongly hope he will not need transfusions on regular bases. Well I have till afternoon (its morning now) to find out, haven't I.