Thanx for your concerns and sugestion , ... i m here again to spend a few minutes by sittting bcoze i just ate Nigella with honey and now ii have to sit for a few minutes , after that iw ill be sleeping again
... hey , where did you got this words of Urdu ( oh jee ) good attempt ....
Best of luck for your vacation/holidays and dont forget your medicine ... making a list of things that you hae to take with you will be better to not forget anything ...
As for your cut. You don't need stitches?
noop , although its a deep cut but its not long and opened to get stiches on it ... i hope it will heal soon ... i was frustrated coze these things are happening to to me time-to-time ,...
almost 8-10 days ago, when i was on IV desfferal, i was filling ( or mxing ) insulin , insulin syringe slipped to my hand and i dont know how that pricked i my left hand, that hurt's soo badly and hanging at my left hand when i was taking out the swab to put on the accidently poked site .. that bleed fastly as well but bleeding stopped soon ....
after that, 3 days ago i was making desferal to replace the empty sryinge and during that 10ml syringe's needle struck badly in my left hand smallest finger , that start bleeding but controle earlier .. both accidential pricked sites are still aching and then now right hand ... this is soo frustrating na ..... and then slipping scene , ....
all this is very frustrating and happening cosistantly to me ...
Best Regards ( i need )
Take Care