@ Sharmin
Thanx sis , yeah i m gonna start IV desferal today ...

@ Zaini
we just like you to be here .We all just get worried when we don't get any response from you,it was nice talking to you
Hi Sis,
i m feeling that i m a Rockstar

, you made me blushy

Thanx sis , its nice to talk to you and all of this site's members as well .... thats reason, why i m awake at this time

@ Andy
Buddy , i planned to start IV desferal today , soo , i think m getting stareted from the mark you told me ,
i won't to admit in Hospital and stay even one night in ICU soo i planned to take IV desferal at home , i think it will b also good

, but if it bcome's necessory then i will think abt it , its not out of question , it wil still remain as an option . T2* and Ferriscan both Facilities are unfortunately not available here in my Country , soo it seem's like something out of question , but ECHO Facility is widely available here .
I have Also interest in starting L-Carnitine and i will talk to my doctor as well , last time when i asked her abt it somewhere in-between october & december 2008 , at that time i was on Hep-B's medicine and suffering to stomach aches as well , mayb she thats why she said no to it . but i wil ask her again .
@ Manal ,
Thanx for remembering me when you pray , i realized the danger that is waiting for me in future if i dont take it serious at this stage , soo , to avoid that worse situation i m planing to start working on pre-cautional steps to avoid any kind of danger in future ... Thanx for your concern

Hi All,

wat Sharmin said , Andy helped me alot to make a come-back in good condition as well , before joining this forum , i was searching searching and searching but unable to understand anything, i was unable to decide abt the information i got is latest or its true or not , i dont had any guidence , i found guidence here on this forum , soo much more to say but due to shortage of time ( here it's late night in Pakistan ) i just want to say , Thanx Andy for making this forum , for dedicating your time for this forum, for everything that you did in this sector , Hats of to you Andy Buddy

... i dont think that it necessory to say but i want to say keep this good work up buddy .... you're realy a kind hearted friend , thanx for your concern . Take Care of you self as well , bcoze you're prescious/priceless for Thalassemia Patients , parents and friend , your are prescious to keep this forum runing .... soo Take good care of your self as well and dont forget take proper rest ... God Bless You ....
Best Regards
Take Care