The doctor is making an assumption which in order for it to be true, would have odds somewhere around the same as winning the lottery without buying a ticket. From the very first time I heard about thalassemia from my thal minor employee, it has been the same story over and over, whether I am told in person, told through this group, told in emails, told on Facebook and even in phone calls from thal minors, I am always told the same thing. Believe it or not, not all of these people have experience with online forums. My employee, who is in his 50's told me about his experience as a child. This would be in the late 1950's. At age 5, the doctors wanted to remove his enlarged spleen but opted for one year's bed rest! No symptoms? Lisa's mom told me how her hematocrit was generally around 30-32, and that she was always tired. Person after person comes to this group and posts about their condition without any prior experience being here. They aren't making it up. And you are right about CAF. They do a great job for thal majors but the official line is "thal minor has no symptoms" which helps keep their workload within the realm of reason, but does nothing to help minors. I also can't blame them, because the problems of majors are overwhelming.
Whether doctors want to accept that minors can have symptoms or not, patients need to continue to tell their doctors that their health issues may be related to thal. It is extremely frustrating to hear a doctor talk such nonsense, and the condescending attitude really is a bit much. Doctors seem to believe that only by going to medical school can one learn anything about health and illness and we know this isn't true. I am self taught about thalassemia, yet I hold my own in conversations with top thal specialists. People can learn and most importantly, they can learn their own bodies and it isn't all in their minds, and I think it's silly to believe that chronically low hemoglobin levels will not affect the health. They do. Maybe doctor's wouldn't have to answer so many questions if online forums didn't exist but people do have a right to learn about their health and it shouldn't be left to some private club to decide if they get help.