Hi guys.
Kathy11, Zaini, Sharmin and nice friend.
I feel very humble to have such wonderful people worrying about me.
I am ok just dealing with life issues.
Number 1.
nice friend is right I have a new prinicpal at my school who is thinking of getting rid of the special needs class that I work in. As I am a teacher aide and not a teacher, I may not have a job next year or I could be put with main stream students. This is okay but I worry about the special needs students who could be put in a mainstream class with limited support. My passion is working with them one on one. This might not be an option next year.
Number 2.
I have the flu which is causing problems with my sinus and coughing fits.
I am on antibiotics. I just have poor concentration which is why I havent been logging on.
I have logged on a couple of times to read but then sign out before the headaches come.
I am ok and will be back soon to annoy you all with my impressions

Take care everyone and thank you for your thoughts.
Lots of love