Andy and Sharmin, who and who is going to the conference among members from this site?
And everyone else, anyone whose going, please reply, so we know to look for each other and meet up... It would be sucha great pity if we miss each other just coz we dint know to look for someone..
I remember the time i first went to India Delhi for a conference... i knew Shilpa from the site and i was friends with her on msn, we talked regularly.. she knew i was there and i knew she was there as well... but i was searching high and low for a ninokcha (the name she used in msn... how was i supposed to know its not her real name?

) and i think she was looking for maako... it was by pure luck we met abt two days before the conference ended... coz we were searching for the wrong people... amazing, we were friends for so long on msn and didnt know the real names...

Anyway, i dont want that to happen again with anyone else...
soooo.. im attending the conference and
maako is not my real name... Imaan Mohamed is and that is a Ms..
believe me, a lot of people think im a Mr.

coz of my name or sumthing i guess.. hehehehe