hiya im louise my mum has wrote you a message about my clots. i only found out that i have the clots on my lungs about 5weeks ago it really scared me and my family because i seen a doc first and she throught i had a gut problem and i didnt go back to the doc i would have died a coulpe of days later so its a good job that i went back!!!!
i didnt have to stay in hospital... which im happy about but im on injections and 9 warfrin every night which i dont like!!! when they found my clots my INR was 1.0 i got my self up to 2.9 over the weeks so they took me off the injection and i droped back down to 1.6 so im back on them now! i go for my blood tests 3 times a week. no i have shown my feelings... im ok haha!! i havent been tested for thal i will be in 6months though... now my mum has found out about it so could you exsplain more about it please because we are very new to all this and its quite scary!!!
thankyou for listening
louise nuala (mother)