I am happy to announce that the early registration period for the International Thalassemia Conference, 2008 in Singapore, October 8-11, has been extended for one more month. The fees will rise after the middle of August, so please register soon. I just registered and checked the fees and they remain at the early registration fee levels.
I want to thank the organizers for their cooperation in extending this period, thereby allowing more people to arrange the funding needed for the conference and hopefully resulting in more registrations. And I want to encourage everyone who can attend, to do so. Between the presentations and being able to meet so many of the people you know online and making new friends, the conferences are an experience not to be missed. And please follow the simple but very effective advice of our dear departed Ashish Vazirani, and just walk up to people and say hi and introduce yourself. He was asked at Dubai about how do you meet people and he gladly demonstrated. Just say hi and introduce yourself and you will be amazed at how many new friends you will make. And don't any of you dare to not introduce yourself to me. I am very easy to spot and sincerely happy to meet everyone. So don't be shy.

Register now. I'll be there. Aston Dialo will be there.

What more could anyone ask for?

Register now.
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Register Now!