Splenectomy(removal of spleen) at an early age or when the spleen gets enlarged?

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Offline Lyanne

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  Hi! Umair, nope just oral penicillin....... My pedia then suggested that I should take it once a day for a year....... thankfully it work coz i never gotten any serious illness........
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline nice friend

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Hi Lyanne ,
You're realy lucky becoze you never experienced that injection , hhahhaha that was superb painfull ... wissh you stay lucky on all fronts of thalassemia's  and others ....  :thumbsup
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline Lyanne

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      Hi! umair thanx for the good wishes! :hugfriend I sincerely hope one day all of us will be cured somehow of our dilemma ( having this disorder) :grin Complications of this disorder is really the biggest :banghead problem.......
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline nice friend

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Hey Lyanne ,
i m happy with this diseas uptill cure come :wink (its nothing bad uptill :wink) heheheh...
dont beat your head on wall doing this will hurt wall hehehe... :grin about complications life is full of complicatio for every living person its nothing new happenning with us ... about disorder, i think the people yu said are normal they have a disorder in their lives as they have no time to meet their friends after every 14 days like we have to go to meet our friends at thal center hahhahaha :grin soo they are facing disorder in their lroutine life ... soo wat do you think ???... Thalassemia is good for me uptill cure come .. when its cure will come it will turn to in my bad List ( things i dont like) and i will try to be cured  .... but uptill to only that time , when i have to face it then its good ...

Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline Lyanne

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      LOL! I'm also satisfied if not happy with thalassemia...... at least God given me something that can be manage as compared to with out a cure ( and wait until my time is up!) :scared. And yeah things will be better soon I guess.... I mean with the technology and everything... I  totally :agree with you on that life can be so boring without once in a while "so called complications" in life.  :grin 
I think I also got the hang of it so I agree with you on that!! :biggrin
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline Dori

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I have had only 3 vaccins after slenectomy. A friend of my (with pk-deficiency) had her splenectomy 4 years ago (at the end it didn't help) and she is still taking antibiotics. Yes, we all have a completely different treatment  :( :huh


Offline PJ

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Hi there,

New here and was just searching in the different threads and thought I'd read this thread as I had a Splenectomy when I was 6 years old because my spleen was enlarged.  Interesting to read all your comments, because since having the splenectomy, I've always had to take oral penicillin daily, and will do forever, unlike some of you here that I read only took it for a year following the operation.



Offline Poirot

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Interesting that your doctor asked you to take penicillin only for one year ..... my doctor told me that I will have to take it lifelong to ensure basic immunity and thwart infections. And, this was over 20 years back.

Have to thank him for the good advice - Penicillin 400mg daily has probably helped me fight off most infections over the past two decades.

That, and my wife's TLC!!!


  Hi! Umair, nope just oral penicillin....... My pedia then suggested that I should take it once a day for a year....... thankfully it work coz i never gotten any serious illness........


Offline Dori

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Q: why does the spleen enlarged?

I hope it's allowed to ask this Q in this topic.

Merci beaucoup


Offline Zaini

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Dore ,

Questions are always welcomed  :hugfriend

From http://www.thalassemiapatientsandfriends.com/index.php?topic=1910.0

Splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) is common in thalassemia major and intermedia due to the high rate of hemolysis (red blood cell destruction). This takes place because the spleen sees the defective red cells of the thalassemic as deficient and the transfused red cells as invaders (much the same as with host vs graft disease) and removes them from circulation. One should note that although natural made normal red cells live for about 120 days, transfused cells last a matter of weeks, at the most. Antibody reactions can also exacerbate this problem. This hyperactivity of the spleen results in splenomegaly due to the amount of blood cells that are filtered out and also by a physical increase in size of the spleen so it can handle what it sees as a heavy load of blood cells that need to be filtered out

Hope it helps.



Offline Dori

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yes, it helps. First time I read this in English.
The iron issue has no influence in this process?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Iron does have an effect on the weight of the spleen, but it's major effect concerning the spleen is the overall weakening of the immune system which can cause hemolysis and an enlarged spleen. Hemolsysis releases even more iron into the body adding to the vicious cycle. As with all organs, function is diminished by iron overload.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Lyanne

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    Hi! Poirot..... it was just for therapeutic and afterall I believe you will have some kind of immuninity
on the antibiotic if used or taken regularly don't you think so? I mean the next time you take the same medicine it won't do the thing it is supposed to do???  :hugfriend
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline Rogue

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can someone give me some information on what the pros and cons are to have a splenectomy please !!!!

my doctors want me to have one im am 22 year old female , living in Australia , with CDA . unknown type.

my HB is usually around 6-7 after my blood transfusion ( every 3 weeks) since born it goes to about 8-9

i have cardiac failure , liver failure, kidney failure, no gallbladder, no appendix , osteoporosis, etc

just wondering is it worth it ?



Offline Manal

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Rouge, can you have a surgery with failure iin the heart and liver, is this safe? Going throught anathtesia (spelling..) has to have a kind of criteria, what does the doctor say about this??



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