Age- 21.5
Height- 1m61
Weight 46
Thala type- well, I got pyruvate kinase deficiency (pk).
Chelation (Asunra/Desirox/Exjade/Desferal)- Exjade, 625 mg. Mine target is 2000mg
Medicines for allergic stuff, but i refused to take it. Nowadays I am fine.
Supplements- Vit D (0.25 microgram) and folic acid (prescribe by doc) I also take calcium, magnesium with zinc tablets (with bamboo).
ferritin level- 2485
occupation- Student at college and I am studying law
bt duration- 3 weeks
last cbc reort(hb,plt,wbc)- i will hear them tomorrow.
last S.G.P.T Report- What's that?
wheat grass(y/n)- No
ferritin level: 2501 
hb: 5.0 mmol/l (after 4 weeks!
the printer was out of order so I don't have copies of new results. I only hear this 2 results.
SGPT. the last one is blocked, doc can only see this, the other is ok but I never hear what 'ok' is....There are 4 weeks between those 2 ferritin levels, so it's quite good if your realize how much iron one bag of blood gives you (as a present). Pretty sunny conclusion, isn't it?