Sharni, yes we really need to start sending out things only after we have all internally discusses and approved. Right frame work is really important. lets stream line this work properly.
1.We are working towards 2 causes here, first to donate money to the research team which is working for a cure for gene therapy which will cure thalassemia. WE need to identify exactly whos is doing what for the research of thal. So that when we talk to people we are talking facts.
2. Secondly to get thalassemia in GBD so that people like Oprah and Gates foundation know about thalassemia and donations can be expected. Our voting email will describe what is thalassmeia and how each married couple should be tested and if there is one carrier, they shoudl go in for DNA to rule out silent carrier(easiser said than done, costs are high in countries where it is not done in Govt hospitals). Our voting email will ask thalassemia to be included in Global burden of should gather votes in getting thalassemia in the Global Burden of Diseases. For this I plan to contact all the members of thal registeries world wide and all communities related to thal to gather votes.
Narendra - if those type of emails are spams then y they are sent on the first place?

??wht good it does to anybody in forwarding it across to million people. U understand technology better than me, so please advise.
Also Narendra can you please advise me how to work around this >>>>>>>>>>>> problem. Can we do something?