Dear Avasmom,
Welcome to the site. As Narendra has said there are many advances in thalassemia treatment. My 10 year old son has thalassemia major and the treatment is much different for him than what was available for patients just ten years earlier. What is available for your daughter is even better than how my son has been treated.
We elected not to have a port and my son does very well without one. During the first two years my son cried while getting his IV for transfusion, since then he is very fine with it. It is so much better than going under general anesthesia to have your body altered - and there are risks associated with having a port such as infections and clots. Personally, I find that thalassemia does not have to physically alter your child so we don't want to do something that will necessarily do that. I trust that my child can learn to take a little poke once a month in order for him to be a very normal child every other day.
Chelation can take many forms. My son has been getting desferal, using needles and infusion pump since the age of 18 months. The first few months were very difficult, but now it is just routine. Again, over time he is slowly switching to oral chelation so his desferal is being decreased. As Narendra has said, your child may never require needles or pumps for chelation - you and your doctor can decide that when the time comes.
There are many discussions regarding vitamins and supplements that your child can take as she grows, we can help you learn about them as you go along. My son looks and acts like any other ten year old, he goes to school and plays various sports including ice hockey. Other parents can describe their children, and share the similar stories. If I knew then what I know now I definitely would not have worried so much.
Most importantly, your compliance with the treatment, transfusions and chelation will determine your child's physical well being. Your nurturing your child's understanding of the disease and teaching her that it never has to hold her back will determine her emotional well being. As Narendra has said, there are many medical advancements possible in the near future that will at the very least make management of the disease less tedious and potentially cure thalassemia all together.
In the meantime do enjoy your little one, there is every reason to believe that she will live a long and healthy life. If you have any other questions or concerns we are here to help you.
