my l little man aysam wants to thank you guys for the support fo his
mother wich is me

i thinnk he must think i am mad aysam is so so
spolied from both granpearnnts uncles unties me dad sisters
aysam is out of controll

i think i need to get some help here
yestaday aysam aksed me for a motor bike um no not the toy one the real thing

i said aysam you still a baby he said no aysam not baby aysam big mucels
aysam big boy

he makes me smile laugh wake up in the morning

he is a crazzy kid
he is to spolied i am worried now there will be a time when i cant ever say no
and if i do aysam wont be used to it

do you guys think i am overboard i know everyone loves there children unconditoanly
but i have no borders i never say no
aysam gets what aysam wants and he knows it

you kwno he is so smart when he sees me going somewere he says mummy asyam put seat belt and sits at the back when i get in the car he dosnt
and he laughs as if to say i got you

and trick me
i just wantted to share abit of my life
with you guys
tell me what your kids do to you

kids are checky they have ther ways
and when aysam dont get what he wants he say aysam not love mummy
mmmmmmmmm sounds like he is useing and abusing me

hahaha my other kids fight over who will change him whio will feed him who will play with him
and he loves the attention

aysam sleeps on the big quoeen size bed while i sleep on the floor so he dosnt get sqaushed he sleeps like a king but he isnt a brat you know the kids who scream and yell and chuck tantrams when they dont get what they want
no he dose it diffrent he will giive you a puppy look
or tell you he loves you
pick you flower
scratch your back
he is a gentalmen
sometimes he is meen to me he say fat mama
its so funny
how funny he is so young to know all this and so funny
my girl freinds actully come to my
place just to take aysam out they love him so much they actully put him in a convortibale and pick him up from childacre and take him for drives oh with aysam at the front
seat sitting lke a king in the passengers seat they all think he is so
adorable and eatable everyone loves aysam
i wish in one year or more aysam will be here chatting with all you guys
please everyone pray for him

please its just a shame that such a cute and smart out going boy that has so much to look forwerd for can be so sick all the time not just with thala but we basickly live at the hostpital
i want him to go to parks and play and be normal
i cant belive how strong he is
he is pale and yellow and liver and kidney oh and he had sever osa life threating one
he stops breathing and so many other problems
can be as he is
you wouldnt even think he is sick with a flu or virus
all your prays are nedded
for my baby
i have told you guys so much about him so you can all see what i am liveing and seeing everyday