HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFF hey guys am back hooooooooooooooooooome oh may goodness i stay there for 28 days i just want to remember one day i didn't eat pizza evryday in the 28 days is same wake up at 7 morning wash faces go to get breckfast give him his drugs take the car to the hospital at 9 morning start jumping with the nurse and they ran after him to take him to the check up room at 11 to 12 the Dr see him at 3 after noon go out to the his lovely pizza resturant who he know him verywell and he is his friend as well (my son used to call him amico) he is verynice italian guy own this small resturante with his wife they was real lovely family they was like my family also when my son abdulwahab was admited in the hospital alwys they gave me alot of suport they feel what i feel also am as a muslim they make somthing spicial food for me without any porck containing ,,,
now a bout Abdulwahab first day they took from him almost 30 tupes of blood and sputum urine stoll

,his waight lingth also my son he is stert to be a man when he see the nurses he start to kiss them and hug them

i told him to be calm he told me it's not your busnise let me give them a kiss they like me here ,, so what i do i just keep them alone in the check up room and i go for smoking after a while i came to pick him ... any way the nurses there is really nice they understand what kind of problem he got it before and they are real happy when they see my son

and playing and jumping from place to another and i start to be angry from him they told me calm down and remember how he was so i start to say thanks god for returning my boy to me .. thge boy is ok now just he need to improve his imunity system it's still low but beter than before all his blood check is ok no more thalass. no more transfusion no more desferal his waight now arround 33 kilos 128 cm he was in 2005 october 17 kilos (with GVHD) GRAFT VERSUSE HOST DISESE he will be 13 in january 6th 2009 ...
In the end hope there is no more :khalifa .......
thank you all
state of kuwait