Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old

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Offline Narendra

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Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old
« on: May 17, 2006, 07:28:26 PM »
Hello All,

I would like to know if there is anyone in the group whose child/relative is around 15 months and is on Kelfer(L1). Andy --> I know you mentioned Feroz's child is on L1. Is Feroz a member at this site?

If anyone, What is the dosage and the weight of the child?

I know there are quite a few members who are parents of kids who are going through Iron Chelation and I wanted to know their experiences as we are stepping into the new territory of Iron Chelation.

Cipla says the preferred dosage as follows:-
Dosage And Administration
In adults and children the optimum dose of Kelfer to achieve a negative iron balance is 75 mg/kg/day to be administered in 2-4 divided doses. In some patients a lesser dose of 50 mg/kg/day may be adequate while in others the dose may be increased to 100 mg/kg/day.

I know, there are quite a few members (Andy, Shikha) who recommend starting with low dose of Kelfer(L1) - but I would like to know if there are any members who have started Kelfer for their child with what dosage and what are their experiences.

Just wanted to know because my niece's doctor has prescribed 250 mg Kelfer for her(She is starting Iron Chelation for the first time as her Iron overload has shown her Ferritin level around 1395). Her weight might be around 10 kilograms(approx. 22 lbs)


Re: Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 02:26:25 AM »
Hi Narendra

Good to know that your neice is starting with L1. The drug has workrd wonders with many and this date it is the cheapest and the easiest to use.
The main reaction to the drug could be knee pain, which is normally tackled by a paracetamol.
And the knee pain normally diassapears with a reduced dose.
So it is always better to start with a smaller dose . But I am sure her doctor knows best.
But please also alert the parents for any other symptom that they might come across. Incase of any sudden fever etc, they must consult the doctor immedietly instead of waiting .
Nutropaenia is a very very rare reaction to the drug.
So it is a good idea to keep a track of her blood counts when on the drug.
I hope the drug works for your neice and she keeps better.

Shikha Mitra


Offline Narendra

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Re: Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 06:38:23 PM »

My niece started Kelfer in May 2006 and so far she is doing fine. We started with 1 tablet a day for about 10 days and then started giving her 2 tablets once her body did not show any reactions.

Side effects of Kelfer was a major concern prior to her starting it, but I am glad it worked out. Thanks Andy and Shikha for suggesting to start with a lower dose.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2006, 06:46:40 PM »
Actually, since it was Poirot who gave me the info about starting with a lower dose, thanks should go to him.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Miaki

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Re: Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2006, 02:00:43 PM »
Helllo to all.....

Calling L1 users for your vital imput PLEASE  :smile2

Recently I have started L1 in combination therapy with Desferal. My ferritin levels were on the highish side however they have gone up even more.

Question: Is this normal for ferritin levels to go up?

I am not on my full dose of L1 yet. I am being dosaged slowly but also I wasn't doing my desferal as I should of been when I was advised by my doctor. However now I am doing 3 nites desferal and 7 days L1.



Offline Poirot

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Re: Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2006, 05:26:21 AM »

Could you give us some data please? Your current body weight, your L1 dosage (in gms/mg), your Desferal dosage, your current ferritin level, and what it went up to?

L1 has a greater affinity to bind with iron molecules in organs, like your heart or liver, rather than iron molecules in the blood stream. Hence, if your ferritin was high, and you reduced your desferal dosage, it is *possible* for your ferritin levels to creep up, all other things being equal.

However, this is no reason to panic ...... because, you want the organ iron to be chelated first as that is the most toxic. Once organ iron comes down, L1 starts removing iron from the blood stream, too.

Hope that helps,


Re: Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2008, 05:43:23 PM »

My niece started Kelfer in May 2006 and so far she is doing fine. We started with 1 tablet a day for about 10 days and then started giving her 2 tablets once her body did not show any reactions.

Side effects of Kelfer was a major concern prior to her starting it, but I am glad it worked out. Thanks Andy and Shikha for suggesting to start with a lower dose.



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Re: Preferred dosage of Kelfer(L1) for 15 month old
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2008, 07:18:03 AM »
I'm so happy to hear that mehul! :)

Can you post the S.Ferritin details during this period?
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