im curious... what are the complications of thalassemia?

  • 3 Replies
im curious... what are the complications of thalassemia?
« on: November 02, 2008, 06:12:27 AM »
hi, im new here and am from the philippines. Recently, i was informed that my sister was diagnosed with Thalassemia, and underwent blood transfusion bcoz of low red blood count... as i searched and browsed, i came to know that this site exists.... thank God so i may have the knowledge of the do's and dont's for my recuperating sister....
but, the thing is, i want to ask, if being a cross-eyed is one effect of the disease? my sister was a career oriented lady but bcoz of the sudden ailment, her body now is very different from before... it collapsed. she feels weak she just wants to be in bed all the time.... i wanted to do everything to cheer her up, but i guess its not the sole solution for her misery.
But i always pray she maybe well and in good health...
I want to hear feedbacks, comments and suggestion on how can i help my sister to be strong again....
you may send emails on
you're mails are important to me and my sister.... THanks to al! GodBLess!!!   


Offline Sharmin

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Re: im curious... what are the complications of thalassemia?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 07:15:25 AM »

Welcome to the sight.  Thalassemia is a genetic trait and patients who have thalassemia major and are transfusion dependent are usually diagnosed in the first year of life and their transfusions usually begin in early childhood.  Perhaps your sister is a thalassemia intermedia, which may be the reason why she has had to begin transfusions later in life.  It is important to understand the cause of her low red blood cell count and her other ailments before we can offer you any useful information. 

Thalassemia has different forms, thalassemia minor (also known as trait) - presents with the least amount of symptoms - and can often go unnoticed - most people with thalassemia minor do not need to be transfused but some have mild to moderate symptoms such as fatigue, thalassemia intermedia is a more severe form of the disease in which patients tend to be anemic but they are usually not transfusion dependent all of the time, and the most severe form of thalassemia is thalassemia major in which the patient requires regular transfusions, beginning early in life, to survive. 

How long has your sister been transfusing?  Do you know if she has thal minor, major or intermedia?  How frequently does she require a transfusion?  Does she also have any other conditions?  If your sister is going to need chronic transfusions then she will need to look into chelation (eliminating iron from her body) as well. 

Once again, welcome to our site and we would love to help you out - we just need more info to give you meaningful advice,



Offline Lyanne

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Re: im curious... what are the complications of thalassemia?
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2008, 12:24:15 PM »

   Hey Fighter! Welcome to the forum........ Hope you do find answers to your questions................  :welcomewagon :welcomewagon :welcomewagon :welcomewagon :welcomewagon

   I'm also from the Philippines where are you from here? We are here to help you and your sister do keep us updated... :biggrin
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline Manal

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Re: im curious... what are the complications of thalassemia?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2008, 12:51:27 PM »
Hi fighter and wecome to the site

You will find this link helpful to make you understand what is thalassemia

Did your sister make the hb electrophoresis test?



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