Hi Manal ,
1) when i got Osteoprosis ,i was a big gamer on Computer and i were spent 5 ,5 hours long sessions on computer while playing game , sitting on chair , no walk , no exercise and staying still .No cricket, no outdoor game ( no outdoor game mean's no sun and no vit-D as well ) nothing else , it remain's same for the 3 months , during all these i start feeling pain in my knees and ankles , then local docs started pain killers, vitamins & minerals in my the treatment ... but when ever i missed pain killer , pain came back , it took a long time and taking pain killers for long time ,last a bad effect on my stomach ....
2) my doc ( Dr.joveria Manan who is my doc sine last two years and God sent him like an angel , as i mentioned in my several previous posts ) said that , not to sit for a long time keep moving as much you can and do some light exercises ( for which she sent me to Phsyiotherapist and he told me some light exercises for knees and ankle and back), do not to sticked with TV or computer more than one hour .. keep walking, and have sun light for at-least 30 minutes everyday and vitamin-d tablets and some other supplements ........
3) she told me the reason of osteoprosis , that is , your (for both thals and non-thals ) bones are releasing calcium everytime , especialy when you are siting and not doing anything your bones , exercise makes, walk and keeping your self busy with doing something make that proccess slow ...
4) my opinio is ,thals and their parents think that taking more rest will increase the gap between the Txs , it could be .. but its danger indeed for the bones ... soo keep moving and make a routine of doing light exercises could prevent the complications like Osteoprosis ...
5) Simple Signs of Osteoprosis : humm you can check it by pressing leg bone with your finger if the bone got the sign of your finger its mean that bones are soft and this is wat happened in Osteoprosis ( soft and weak bones ) soft and weak bones could change their shape easily bcoze of weight of the patient and the stress .... soo i think it is the simplest one way to diagnose it at home .... ( its my personal/own idea dont but i think it will work ) .. if you find something in it then you may have a BMD test ( Bone Mineral Density ) to confirm it ..
Bone density test should be done every year as a precaution. Calcium and vitamin D combined with physical activity can reduce the chances of osteoprosis.

to her l ....
i hope i answered completely with details .. if i missed something you may ask again ...
Bet Regards
Take Care