Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...

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Offline nice friend

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Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« on: November 13, 2008, 12:32:21 PM »
Nido Fortified

Full Cream Milk Powder

*Average Compositio per serving ( 1 glass of  250ml with 32.5 of  NIDO )
NIDO is a rich source of :…

Energy          162Kcal     Vit-D              73.6 IU   
Calcium          297.6 mg  Vit-E              1.6 IU   
Protein          8.2 g        Vit-K              13.3 µg   
Vitamin-A       576 IU      Iron                 3.2 mg   
Vitamin-B1      0.1 mg     Phosphorus     240 mg   
Vitamin-B2      0.4 mg     Niacin             2.1 mg   
Vitamin-B6      0.2 mg     Folic Acid         64 µg   
Vitamin-B12    0.6 µg      Zinc               1.4 mg   
Vitamin-C       16 mg       Biotin             16 µg   

Hi Buddies ,
i want to ask that , is this Milk Good for my ???. it has 3.2mg iron per glass .. or 3.2mg doesn't matter and could be ignored in sake of getting other Vitamins and mineral that it has ???....


« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 12:39:03 PM by nice friend »
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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2008, 04:27:09 PM »

I too had the same problem with the Nido and the morning cereal cause both are iron fortified, so i think that the direct answer is no you shouldn't use it regularly

BUT and adding to your question does it really matter to someone on chelation, as the big amount of iron comes from transfusion not the food and it will be chelated anyway(provided that you don't havesevere iron overload in the first place.

Another thing, does taking the calcium supplement which will not be less than 1000mg togather with the calcium already in milk will inhibit the absorption of this 3.2 mg of iron.....just wondering



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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2008, 04:36:47 PM »

What you are saying makes sense, as calcium interferes with iron absorption.  Usually, consuming anything fortified with iron is not a good idea for thalassemia, but sometimes it is very difficult to avoid.  In that case you need to keep track of the amount of iron. 

Umair, you have also had lower hg levels lately, therefore the amount of iron you absorb through the gut will be much higher than the average person - and we are also trying to minimize your iron intake these days. 

The most important thing to remember is that naturally occuring iron in fruits, vegetables and grains is less readily absorbed by the body - but iron that fortifies foods and that which is in meat is much more readily absorbed by the body.  Therefore, fruits and vegetables with high iron content will give you less iron than a steak or highly fortified cereal.

Umair, my suggestion would be that while you are trying to get on a good transfusion schedule, and especially if your hg levels are below 90 then you should look for an alternate source to get these vitamins because you are more likely to absorb too much iron from this source. 

Be sure to get advice from your doctor and Andy as well,



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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2008, 05:10:51 PM »
Iron rich foods should be avoided. Iron fortified foods should be on the never eat list. Even though a thal is transfused, excess iron can still be absorbed from foods, so it's best to avoid those with high amounts of iron. Red meats are the highest in readily absorbed iron and should be kept to a minimum. In non-thals and those without hemochromatosis, the body regulates how much iron is absorbed from food, but in thals this does not work properly and iron is absorbed even though the body does not need more iron. It is best not to add to the iron load with foods.


All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2008, 05:17:26 PM »

Dr. Vichinsky said that same thing to us in Oakland - he said to avoid anything with high iron content - fortified cereals and iron rich meats - he said that my son's iron absorption in the gut should be very high and that he should avoid it completely if he can. 



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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2008, 01:41:48 AM »
Thank you all ,
thanx for answering with details, i think i have to chose something else .. but i m realy sad to miss that much calcium , vitamins and minerals . what if we set our daily doses Vitamin-e , vitamin-c  and Ferriprox just half hour bfore drinking this milk ????....  anyways leave it ... 

Take Care
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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2008, 01:44:03 AM »

I am using Osteocare for my children for calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.  I don't know if you have access to that, otherwise you can use whatever brand that Zaini is using for Zainab.  I just don't want the iron working counter to what you have been trying to accomplish bro:) 



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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2008, 11:24:10 PM »
Hi all ,
@ Shamin
Thanx Sis , i will search for Osteocare  , but if i fail to find Osteocare ,  there is another option tat i got today , here it is ...
as you know about my today's visit to my doc. i asked her about it as well , and she said No to iron  ,same thing you said , Good Job everybuddy :thumbsup ...... she said that iron is too much and not to drink this one , and she advised me Nestle's Nesvita  that contain's   Calcium 500mg  and Vitamin-D near about 50mg ....  its has little less Vit-D but as i m on DeCalc as well that contains 500mg Vit-D B.P .... soo combination is superb for me , i think its will work super .

Take Care
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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2008, 10:16:01 AM »
Hello all,

In regards to all this... Vitamins and Minerals should be taken at least 2 hours after having any iron chelation, that will help with the absorption of the chelation and the vitamins and minerals... even taking other prescribed medication, same rule applies..

Hope this helps...


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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2008, 06:38:58 PM »
Thanks Smurfette,

That is very useful information:)



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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2008, 08:28:53 PM »
Thanx Smurfette for the usfel information that you shared  :ty ...

@ Topic
Hi Buddies  ,
regarding there is a message , today when i planed to have some porridge ( something that were my only meal ) i got a thought  , a memorie got alive in my mind , tthat was , once when i had to select the porrisge between the these two , 10 Wheat Porridge 2) Barley Porridge , i checked the Porridge's contains ,  wheat porridge has the 3-4mg of iron in per100mg serving ( in 250mg packet)
and Barley Porridge has 2.8mg Iron in per 100mg serving ( in 250mg packet ) . i wondered today , wowpss , i ate too much iron last month wow , once again  agressive chelation and super fine care hahhaa ... it beamer to all thals and their parents to check the per serving contain before giving anything to a thal .. i stopped that porridge and added that in my banned foods book hahaha .. oh my favr8 n tasty porridge i will miss you , ... now i m going to add a link here once again that will lead you to download food and nutratioons , its a software to download from US Food and nutration site .. it will help you to find out iron rich food ....
i hope you wil download it , its realy usefull , if coudn't believe you may ask andy abt its credibility ...

Best Regards
Take Care
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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2008, 08:34:41 PM »

Oh no, not the Duly'ah!  Your mom's famous recipe :o  Just remember that if the iron is naturally a part of the food it is okay, but if it is added (fortified) then it is bad.  If it is naturally in the product just have it less often, once every few weeks, but if it is fortified then avoid it altogether.  I think that at times your hg was low last month, so when you ate this high iron content food you may have absorbed more iron.  That's okay because you are going to chelate that out in no time!!

Thanks for the food network link:)



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Re: Andy and all other i need a little guidence over it ...
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2008, 08:43:50 PM »
Oh Sis ,
thanx God,  that is not Fortified , i think that is natural ... soo i may have it once a week or twice a month thats enough to make taste gud .... soo ... its ok for me to have twice a month or when , when it comes neccesory to take like in stomach ache ....  thanx sis for super help ... :ty
 huh .......
Edited : yeah its my mom's  super recipe ....

Take Care
« Last Edit: November 15, 2008, 10:27:10 PM by nice friend »
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