Thank you guys, your so nice. It must be a thallassemic thing coz you all seem so helpful and my boyfriend is like that too.
In reply to some things:
Iv already had a blood test and i dont carry the trait.
He is on exjade at the moment. I dont know his ferretin level,hes told me in the past and i dont wna ask him now coz i dont wna remind him.
To be honest hes active all month, he does too much, he does more than a normal person, i get so tired,he does so much more than me, he works full time, goes gym, is in charge of a football league, does charity work...the list is endless. He annoys me coz he does too much and i get worried for him coz a normal person would be exhausted let alone him.
Its nice to hear that thalls get married and have children..by any chance do you guys know ne1 i can talk to who has had children.
I know you said, if i love him, it shouldnt matter, i feel like i love him, but it does matter to me? i dont know what that means.. I am generally phobic of needles n get faint in hospitals so i dont think im the best person to deal with all this. Also im a pharmacist so i know quite alot about medical conditions so i guess it makes me more aware of everything.
We have been together for 2 years and i dont think iv still fully accepted the fact that we may not have children. i love kids. the doctor said 100% he cant have it naturally coz his pitutary is damaged.
Iv been reading these forums and i can see alot of you suffer alot. But one thing i know and believe in is that god only makes the people he loves suffer because he wants them to enter paradise. When you are put under hardship, god is giving you his attention more than some1 who has an easy life.
I have a question, my boyfriend really hates taking his exjade because he says its like eating sand. Are any of you guys on it too? Coz i dont seem to sympathise with him, its something he needs to do and i cant see why he cant be 100% compliant. He is compliant more or less, but i think he misses occassional doses which really annoy me.
Also does ne1 have info on hepatitis, i think his is dormant...But im scared of contracting it

Anyway, thanks alot for your help, and i hope you guys have a good day!! im off to work now,
All the best..
Lotsa love