And I had an AWESOME time!

I am going to post photos another time. I'm just uploading them into photobucket right now. I have my digital pictures, but I still have other disposable cameras that will be developed by tomorrow. Those cameras have the Discovery Cove and some of the Sea World pics on them, because they were waterproof.
I guess it's a good thing that cameras were invented, because if I ever told anyone that I was on a Shamu plane with PENGUINS walking up and down the isle, I better have pictures to back it up or they might think I was hallucinating!

But I wasn't! There were really penguins! We also had a Sloth on our plane with us as well. We were able to pet the penguins and Sloth. They were in the airport with us and then they boarded the plane with us on our way to Florida. It was awesome!

Just so you can see that I'm not crazy, here are a few pics until later.
This is Pete and Penny the Penguins. They are boyfriend and girlfriend (literally lol) and have been together for many years.

And this is Lucky the Two-toed Sloth ...

I'm so exhausted. We spent 8 hours in Discovery Cove and 8 hours in Sea World the next day. We walked sooooooooo much.
At the Shamu show, we were right up front, in the splash zone, so we were only a few feet away from Shamu and the rest of the wales. We were in reserved seating, so no one else was as close as we were. It was so beautiful. I cried like a baby.

I'll show some other pics when I get them uploaded. I just wanted to say hello and to let you guys know that I'm back safe and sound.